Wednesday 15 November 2017

Vkc Cheque De Saldo De Tarjeta Forex

ForexPlus Chip Card ¿Cuáles son los beneficios de HDFC Bank Forex Plus Tarjeta Chip Protección contra la fluctuación de divisas ForexPlus Chip Este es un pequeño microchip incrustado en su tarjeta. Se cifra para que las transacciones con su tarjeta de débito de chip sean más seguras. Card está disponible en monedas Euro / GBP y Dólares estadounidenses, proporcionando así protección contra la fluctuación del tipo de cambio utilizando el valor cargado en estas tarjetas en el futuro. Sin embargo, puede retirar dinero en efectivo o usar la tarjeta en el punto de venta (Punto de Venta) de POS en cualquier moneda en cualquier parte del mundo usando el chip de ForexPlus Este es un pequeño microchip incrustado en su tarjeta. Se cifra para que las transacciones con su tarjeta de débito de chip sean más seguras. Tarjeta. Para las transacciones realizadas en la divisa de la tarjeta, es decir, Euro / GBP y Dólares estadounidenses, no pierde dinero en divisas debido a la fluctuación de los tipos de mercado Disponible en tres monedas: Euro, Libra esterlina y Dólar. Cada una de estas monedas se acepta en todo el mundo y se puede cambiar a la moneda del país en el que se encuentra más seguro y seguro La tarjeta tiene un chip integrado Este es un pequeño microchip incrustado en su tarjeta. Se cifra para que las transacciones con su tarjeta de débito de chip sean más seguras. Que almacena la información confidencial en forma encriptada, ofreciendo un mayor nivel de seguridad contra la falsificación y skimming fraudes de tarjetas en comparación con las tarjetas de banda magnética. Esta tarjeta es aceptada en todos los puntos de venta de Visa y Mastercard y en los cajeros automáticos de 24 horas VISA / Mastercard en todo el mundo. Así que no hay más molestias de llevar gran parte de dinero en efectivo o cheques de viajero, no más molestia de perseguir a los cambiadores de dinero, el pago de comisiones y los gastos de seguimiento. Su tarjeta está protegida contra el mal uso en los cajeros automáticos mediante PIN. En caso de que su tarjeta se pierde o se lo roban, todo lo que tiene que hacer es llamar al banco HDFC PhoneBanking inmediatamente e informar de la pérdida de su tarjeta. Esta facilidad está disponible 24 horas en todos los días. La tarjeta también se puede calificar mediante nuestra tarjeta de prepago NetBanking instalación en hdfcbank. Seguridad adicional con tarjeta temporal de bloqueo de la instalación ForexPlus Chip Este es un pequeño microchip incrustado en su tarjeta. Se cifra para que las transacciones con su tarjeta de débito de chip sean más seguras. La tarjeta viene con una función de bloqueo / desbloqueo temporal. Puede bloquear la tarjeta utilizando el servicio NetBanking prepagado cuando la tarjeta no esté en uso y desbloquearla cada vez que viaje amplificador necesita utilizar la tarjeta. En caso de que su tarjeta se pierde o es robada, puede bloquear la misma con la ayuda de Prepago NetBanking facilidad. Alternativamente, puede llamar a la llamada 24x7 HDFC Bank PhoneBanking inmediatamente e informar de la pérdida de su tarjeta y obtener la tarjeta bloqueada. Facilidad para cambiar el PIN del ATM según su conveniencia Chip de ForexPlus Éste es un pequeño microchip incorporado en su tarjeta. Se cifra para que las transacciones con su tarjeta de débito de chip sean más seguras. Card ofrece al titular de la tarjeta la conveniencia de cambiar su PIN ATM utilizando el servicio NetBanking prepagado. Números internacionales sin cargo: El HDFC Bank ofrece fácil acceso a los servicios de PhoneBanking del Banco HDFC a través de números internacionales gratuitos en 32 países como se detalla a continuación. Australia, Bélgica, Canadá, Dinamarca, Estados Unidos, Francia, Reino Unido, Hong Kong, Italia, Japón, Corea del Sur, Malasia, Noruega, Nueva Zelanda, Austria, Portugal, Sudáfrica, Suecia, Suiza, Tailandia - 80080077444 , República Checa 800090155, Mónaco 80093312, Polonia 008001124694, Arabia Saudita 8008142094, Emiratos Árabes Unidos 8000185252, Estados Unidos 18445796441, Bahrein 80004980, Grecia 0080016122061284, Singapur 8001013301, Croacia 0800222990 Para conocer detalles específicos tales como restricciones, cobertura, etc. Antes de ir a su destino de viaje, utilice Travel Planner para planificar su presupuesto y crear un itinerario de viaje personalizado. Servicios de Asistencia al Cliente 24x7 Global Si necesita hacer una lista de su tarjeta a causa de una pérdida o robo, le ofrecemos la posibilidad de reemplazar su tarjeta o recibir dinero en efectivo de emergencia mientras viaja en el extranjero. Puede llamar a los Servicios de Asistencia al Cliente de Visas Global para que utilicen estos servicios. Visite travel. visa/apcemea/au/es/assets/common/visagcasap. pdf para obtener una lista completa de los números de centro de llamadas de Visa de país. Estos servicios son de pago según las directrices de Visa. Cubierta de seguro Disfrute de una experiencia de viaje libre de preocupaciones financieras con seguro de tarjeta cubre como Protección hasta Rs. 500.000 contra el mal uso de la tarjeta perdida o debido a la falsificación / skimming Seguro de accidentes personales (cobertura de la muerte sólo) de Rs.500.000 Pérdida de equipaje cubra hasta Rs. 50.000 y Pérdida de equipaje facturado hasta Rs. 20.000 Reconstrucción de pasaportes cubre hasta Rs. 20,000 (costo real de la reconstrucción del pasaporte solamente) Recargable en todas las sucursales de HDFC Bank o por medio de HDFC Bank Phone Bank o HDFC Bank Mobile Banking o HDFC Bank NetBanking, incluso cuando el tarjetahabiente está en el extranjero Your ForexPlus Chip Este es un pequeño microchip incrustado en su tarjeta. Se cifra para que las transacciones con su tarjeta de débito de chip sean más seguras. La tarjeta es válida hasta el último día del mes indicado en su tarjeta. Dentro de este período usted puede utilizar su tarjeta tan a menudo como usted tiene gusto. En caso de que el dinero cargado en la tarjeta se agota, esta tarjeta ofrece la posibilidad de recargar incluso en el medio de su viaje. Las solicitudes de recarga pueden ser hechas por cualquier persona autorizada en su nombre. En caso de que la tarjeta sea emitida por su empresa / empleador, las solicitudes de recarga recibidas a través de ellos serán actuadas por el Banco HDFC. Los clientes de HDFC Bank también pueden realizar una solicitud para recargar la tarjeta a través de HDFC Bank PhoneBanking o HDFC Bank Mobile Banking o HDFC Bank NetBanking. Opción Prepago de NetBanking Últimas 10 transacciones Declaración de tarjeta Agregar nueva tarjeta de moneda Bloquear / desbloquear tarjeta Hotlist Cambiar ATM Solicitud de declaración de PIN Actualizar número de móvil y correo electrónico ID Transferencia de fondos (de una cartera a otra cartera) Whatrsquos más, incluso enviarle un estado de cuentas a Su dirección postal al final de cada mes en el que ha utilizado la tarjeta para cualquier transacción. ForexPlus Chip Card Cargos Cargos cruzados: Para transacciones en las que la moneda de la transacción es diferente a la divisa disponible en ForexPlus Chip Este es un pequeño microchip incrustado en su tarjeta. Se cifra para que las transacciones con su tarjeta de débito de chip sean más seguras. El banco de tarjetas cargará un margen de cambio cruzado de 3 en dichas transacciones. El tipo de cambio utilizado será el tipo de cambio al por mayor VISA / MasterCard vigente en el momento de la transacción. El tipo de cambio utilizado será el tipo Mid que prevalece en el momento de la transacción. Impuesto a la conversión de divisas para la venta y compra de divisas: El impuesto de conversión de divisas será aplicable según el siguiente impuesto de servicio: Compra y venta Forex Currency Service Importe de impuestos Hasta Rs. 1 lakh 0,14 del valor bruto o Rs. 35 / - lo que sea mayor Desde Rs. 1 lakh a Rs 10 Lakhs Rs. 140 más 0,07 de la cantidad superior a Rs. 1 lakh Desde Rs. 10 lakhs y por encima de Rs. 770 más 0,014 de la cantidad superior a Rs. 10 Lakhs, con un máximo de Rs. 7000 Esta cuadrícula mencionada anteriormente es aplicable para transacciones de carga, recarga y reembolso. El impuesto de servicio aplicable a todos los cargos Elegibilidad y documentación de la tarjeta de chip de ForexPlus Usted no necesita ser un cliente de HDFC Bank Si no tiene una cuenta, simplemente visite una sucursal con la siguiente documentación: Chip de ForexPlus Este es un pequeño microchip incrustado en su tarjeta. Se cifra para que las transacciones con su tarjeta de débito de chip sean más seguras. Formulario de Solicitud de Tarjeta Una fotocopia autenticada de su pasaporte Documento adicional para no cliente (una fotocopia autenticada de Visa o Ticket) Una mirada a la elegibilidad para llevar Forex bajo LRS según el propósito de su viaje: Cuota básica de viaje (BTQ) Para las vacaciones, las visitas personales, etc. Buscando una tarjeta de la viruta de ForexPlus Cargue y vuelva a cargar su ndash de la tarjeta Cada vez que usted carga o recarga su tarjeta, usted conseguirá una alerta del email en su identificación registrada del email con extremidades . Si desea volver a cargar su tarjeta, debe enviar un Formulario de Re-carga, Formulario A2 y Instrucciones de Cheque o Débito en cualquiera de nuestras sucursales o simplemente haga una solicitud de recarga a través de PhoneBanking o NetBanking. Settle Disputes ndash Si tiene alguna disputa relacionada con su tarjeta, debe enviar una carta de disputa al banco indicando la naturaleza de su problema. Ver una guía del usuario ndash Recibirá una copia física de la Guía del usuario. Puede consultar la Guía del usuario para obtener más información sobre su tarjeta. Usted no debe golpear su Chip de ForexPlus Este es un pequeño microchip incrustado en su tarjeta. Se cifra para que las transacciones con su tarjeta de débito de chip sean más seguras. Tarjeta en los terminales que muestran el valor de transacción en INR. Asegúrese de pasar su tarjeta en divisas locales o terminales de divisas de la tarjeta. También puede optar por la declaración de correo electrónico. Su tarjeta no es válida para transacciones de divisas en India, Nepal y Bhután. Cuando se le pida en los cajeros automáticos o puntos de venta de comerciantes, debe seleccionar la opción de tarjeta de crédito. Los bancos estadounidenses tienen derecho por las leyes federales locales a cobrar un cargo extra por parte de otros clientes del banco por acceder a sus cajeros automáticos para retirar dinero. En consecuencia, muchos cajeros automáticos en los Estados Unidos cobran cargos por retirarse de sus cajeros automáticos, por encima de los cargos cobrados por el banco HDFC. Del mismo modo, hay cajeros automáticos en otros países que pueden cobrar un cargo por transacciones realizadas por otros clientes bancarios. Usted necesita sumergir su tarjeta en terminales que aceptan tarjetas mientras inicia una transacción. Si el terminal no está habilitado, pase su tarjeta. Es necesario que cree su contraseña de NetBanking prepagada antes de iniciar transacciones en línea. Tiene preguntas ¿Qué sucede si olvido mi código de activación / IPIN? Si ha olvidado su código de activación / IPIN, se le pedirá que llame a HDFC Bank PhoneBanking y haga una nueva solicitud de IPIN. Es una contraseña de Internet a la que el cliente puede acceder NetBanking. Se trata de una contraseña confidencial para la seguridad de su cuenta .. la cual será enviada instantáneamente a su número de Email / Mobile registrado. ¿Se puede cambiar el PIN de ATM? No, el PIN de ATM no se puede cambiar en el cajero automático. En caso de que haya olvidado o perdido el PIN, deberá solicitar un nuevo PIN con la ayuda de PhoneBanking o de NetBanking prepagado. ¿Qué sucede si mi tarjeta se pierde? En caso de que su tarjeta se pierda o sea robada, todo lo que tiene que hacer es llamar al Banco HDFC PhoneBanking inmediatamente e informar de la pérdida de su tarjeta. Esta instalación está disponible las 24 horas. En todos los días. En caso de que se le haya expedido una tarjeta de respaldo en el kit, puede activar la tarjeta de respaldo llamando a la Banca Telefónica del Banco HDFC oa través de NetBanking Prepagado. Una vez activada la tarjeta de respaldo, todos los fondos de la tarjeta principal se transferirán automáticamente a la tarjeta de respaldo. ¿Cómo activo el comercio electrónico? Simplemente inicie sesión en NetBanking y habilite su facilidad de transacción de comercio electrónico. ¿Cómo puedo recargar el valor de mi tarjeta cuando estoy en el extranjero ForexPlus Chip Este es un pequeño microchip incrustado en su tarjeta. Se cifra para que las transacciones con su tarjeta de débito de chip sean más seguras. Tarjeta también se puede cargar en su nombre por alguien autorizado por usted. La persona autorizada tiene que visitar la sucursal de HDFC Bank con los documentos y fondos necesarios. Wersquoll cuidar el resto. He renovado mi pasaporte con el nuevo número. ¿Necesito actualizar mi nuevo número de pasaporte en mi tarjeta Platinum de ForexPlus? Sí, le pedimos que se ponga en contacto con la sucursal cercana junto con la copia original de su pasaporte para obtener el nuevo número de pasaporte actualizado en los registros bancarios. El número de pasaporte es un criterio de validación clave para verificar la autenticidad de la persona que llama cuando se comunica con nuestro servicio PhoneBanking 24 x 7, por lo que se recomienda actualizar el número de pasaporte lo antes posible. ¿Cuáles son las monedas disponibles? Hay cinco monedas ofrecidas: Euro (EUR) Libra esterlina (GBP) Dólar estadounidense (USD) Baht de Tailandia (THB) Dólar de Hong Kong (HKD) ¿Qué es HDFC Bank Platinum de ForexPlus? ) Es una tarjeta prepagada basada en chip incorporada introducida en asociación con VISA International. Le ofrece una forma cómoda y segura de llevar su divisa. Esta tarjeta le da la libertad de comprar en cualquier parte del mundo y proporciona acceso a la moneda de su destino a precios competitivos del mercado. Se puede utilizar en todos los cajeros automáticos de VISA y establecimientos comerciales en todo el mundo. Esta tarjeta no se puede utilizar para pagos en India, Nepal o Bhután. ¿Cómo puedo recargar el valor de mi tarjeta cuando estoy en el extranjero Tarjeta ForexPlus Platinum también puede ser cargada en su nombre por alguien autorizado por usted. La persona autorizada tiene que visitar la sucursal de HDFC Bank con los documentos y fondos necesarios. Wersquoll se encarga del resto. ¿Qué sucede si olvido mi PIN de ATM? Puede llamar al banco de HDFC PhoneBanking para solicitar una nueva emisión de PIN o realizar una solicitud a través de NetBanking prepagado. Se enviará un nuevo PIN a su dirección postal registrada que se encuentra en el registro con el banco. ¿Necesito pagar una cantidad adicional por encima de los cargos por retiro en efectivo cobrados por el Banco HDFC por la transacción ATM? En ciertos países los proveedores de servicios ATM están autorizados a cobrar tarifas adicionales por los tarjetahabientes por acceder al cajero automático para retirar dinero. Estos cargos son recaudados por el proveedor de servicios ATM más allá de los cargos recaudados por el Banco HDFC, y el banco del Banco HDFC no tiene control sobre los cargos ya que estos cargos no son cobrados por el banco. Estas cargas se muestran normalmente al cliente durante la transacción y el cliente tiene la opción de proceder con la transacción o cancelar si los cargos no son aceptables para el cliente. ¿Cuánto tardará en utilizarse la tarjeta después de haberla comprado? Su tarjeta se activará y se cargará con la moneda necesaria en un plazo de 4 horas desde que el banco haya recibido fondos claros de usted. La tarjeta será beready para su uso después de la activación. ¿A quién debo contactar si mi tarjeta se pierde o es robada? Inmediatamente informe la pérdida de su tarjeta Platinum de ForexPlus llamando a Phone Bank de HDFC Bank. Usted no será responsable de las transacciones de su cuenta de tarjeta (si las hubiere) desde el momento en que su informe esté registrado en el banco. Alternativamente usted puede hotlist la tarjeta con la ayuda de la facilidad prepagada de NetBanking. ¿Cuáles son las monedas disponibles para la tarjeta HDFC Bank ForexPlus Platinum La tarjeta HDFC Bank ForexPlus Platinum está actualmente disponible en 5 divisas, es decir, USD, Euro, GBP, HKD y THB. ¿Necesito tener una cuenta de HDFC Bank para comprar la tarjeta HDFC Bank ForexPlus Platinum No, no necesita tener una cuenta con HDFC Bank para comprar la tarjeta ForexPlus Chip. Usted puede simplemente caminar en cualquiera de nuestras sucursales bancarias HDFC en la India y comprarlo en el mostrador de la presentación de los documentos pertinentes KYC. ¿Cuál es el valor máximo para el que se puede utilizar la tarjeta? No hay límite impuesto sobre el uso de la tarjeta Platinum de ForexPlus. Los clientes pueden retirar / utilizar cualquier cantidad, hasta el valor cargado en la tarjeta Platinum de ForexPlus en cualquier ATM / POS. Sin embargo, hay algunos proveedores de servicios de cajeros automáticos que han puesto en por día / por límite de transacción hacia efectivo dispensar que no puede ser cambiado por el Banco. En tales casos, el titular de la tarjeta puede necesitar realizar múltiples transacciones si desea retirar cualquier cantidad superior a la permitida en una transacción. ¿Qué necesito saber sobre la tarjeta HDFC Bank ForexPlus Platinum Incorporada con un chip, esta tarjeta ForexPlus le ofrece una forma cómoda y segura de llevar su divisa. Con la tarjeta HDFC Bank ForexPlus Platinum puedes comprar en cualquier parte del mundo. ¿Puede un no viajero comprar Tarjeta ForexPlus No. Las tarjetas ForexPlus sólo se pueden emitir a los viajeros. Una tarjeta de ForexPlus es válida para realizar pagos en otros países de la India, Nepal y Bhután siempre que utilice su tarjeta debe estar presente en el lugar de la transacción y tiene que firmar las facturas. Como usted es un no viajero, no puede estar presente en el momento del procesamiento de la transacción. Por lo tanto, las tarjetas Platinum de ForexPlus no se pueden emitir a los no viajeros. ¿Cómo puedo comprobar el saldo de mi tarjeta HDFC Bank ForexPlus Platinum? Puede comprobar el saldo de la tarjeta Platinum de ForexPlus con la ayuda de NetBanking. Deberá utilizar el número de tarjeta como IPIN de ID de usuario que se le haya expedido como parte del kit de tarjeta para iniciar sesión en NetBanking. Alternativamente, también puede comunicarse con nuestros servicios PhoneBanking para verificar el saldo de su tarjeta ForexPlus. ¿A quién debo contactar si mi tarjeta se pierde o es robada? Inmediatamente informe la pérdida de su Tarjeta HDFC Bank Platinum de ForexPlus llamando a la Banca Telefónica del Banco HDFC. Usted no será responsable de las transacciones de su cuenta de tarjeta (si las hubiere) desde el momento en que su informe esté registrado en el banco. ¿Necesito pagar cualquier cargo por usar GCAS En caso de que usted haga uso de los servicios de GCAS, se le cobrarán los cargos según las Pautas de Visa. Los detalles de los cargos son los siguientes: Reportar la tarjeta perdida / robada. Nil Sustitución de emergencia de la tarjeta. USD 25 Requerimiento de Efectivo de Emergencia. USD 25 ¿Cómo puedo cancelar mi tarjeta Platinum de ForexPlus? Para cancelar su tarjeta Platinum de Forex Plus, le pedimos que se ponga en contacto con el equipo de PhoneBanking o camine en su sucursal de HDFC más cercano y pida una cancelación. Su solicitud será procesada dentro de un día laborable después de recibir la solicitud. No hay cargos por la cancelación de una tarjeta Forex Plus Platinum. Sin embargo, el impuesto de conversión de monedas, según proceda, de vez en cuando se deducirá en el momento de otorgarle crédito. Por favor, visite la siguiente URL para acceder a la información de la dirección completa y los detalles de contacto de nuestros Centros de Sucursales y PhoneBanking. ¿A quién debo contactar para la tarjeta de reemplazo? ¿Hay un cargo por el reemplazo? Puede contactar el número de Phonebank de HDFC Bank y solicitar el reemplazo de su HDFC Bank Tarjeta Platinum de ForexPlus. La tarjeta reeditada será enviada a su dirección doméstica actualizada en los registros de los bancos. Las cargas hacia la reedición de la tarjeta de la viruta de ForexPlus se dan en el horario de cargas. ¿Cómo funciona esta tarjeta? Su tarjeta HDFC Bank ForexPlus Platinum se activará con el Euro / GBP y USD requeridos en un plazo de 4 horas desde que el banco obtenga los fondos claros de usted. Una vez activada, la tarjeta se puede utilizar en cualquier lugar internacional para efectuar pagos en terminales de punto de venta o para retirar efectivo en cajeros automáticos. (El uso de la tarjeta no está permitido en la India, Nepal y Bhután.) La tarjeta HDFC Bank ForexPlus Platinum funciona como cualquier Tarjeta de Débito / Crédito para realizar pagos en los Establecimientos Comerciales que tienen un terminal electrónico. El importe de la transacción se deduce del saldo disponible en la tarjeta ForexPlus. La tarjeta HDFC Bank ForexPlus Platinum se acepta en todos los Establecimientos Comerciales que muestren el símbolo Visa / Mastercard. La tarjeta se puede utilizar para retirar efectivo en todos los cajeros automáticos de Visa / Mastercard en todo el mundo. Independientemente de la moneda que se cargue en la tarjeta, el efectivo se dispensará en función de las monedas admitidas en los cajeros automáticos. Asegúrese de recordar el PIN que le ha sido entregado con el paquete de tarjetas, el PIN es único para cada tarjeta y no puede cambiarse en ningún ATM doméstico o internacional. ¿Hay alguna transacción para la cual esta tarjeta no debe ser usada? Sí, su tarjeta de ForexPlus no debe ser usada hacia bloques de carga temporal - por ejemplo, Pagar los depósitos en los hoteles, la contratación de coches, etc Incase usted ha pagado estos depósitos con tarjeta de ForexPlus y la agencia de alquiler de hotel / coche, etc establece la transacción por un importe inferior a la cantidad bloqueada o hacer el pago final a través de cualquier modo diferente La cantidad del saldo se acreditará en su cuenta sólo después de 30 días a partir de la fecha de la transacción. Nota: el Banco se reserva el derecho de cobrar al titular de la tarjeta por cualquier cantidad no autorizada. ¿Puedo emitir Comprobar la carga de la tarjeta Platinum de ForexPlus? El cliente puede cargar la tarjeta Platinum de ForexPlus mediante la emisión de cheques contra la cantidad que debe cargarse. Sin embargo, las tarjetas se cargarán después de la realización del cheque depositado por el cliente. El tipo de cambio aplicable será para el día en que se realizan los fondos y se activa la tarjeta. ¿Cómo activar el comercio electrónico en mi tarjeta? Siga dos sencillos pasos: Paso 1: Inicie sesión en la Banca neta de tarjetas prepago. Paso 2: habilite su facilidad de transacción de comercio electrónico para realizar compras. ¿Qué servicios puedo utilizar en GCAS? Puede hacer uso de los siguientes servicios a través de GCAS: a) Notificar pérdida de tarjeta o hotlist de su tarjeta b) Solicitud de una tarjeta de reemplazo c) Solicitud del requisito de efectivo de emergencia Puede cambiar el PIN de ATM No, El PIN del ATM no se puede cambiar en el cajero automático. En caso de que haya olvidado o perdido el PIN, deberá solicitar un nuevo PIN con la ayuda de PhoneBanking o de NetBanking prepagado ¿Puedo utilizar la opción DCC / MCC en el momento de la transacción Siempre que el titular de la tarjeta ForexPlus opte por la opción DCC / MCC En los terminales POS / ATM habilitados para DCC / MCC, su transacción pasa dos veces a través de transacciones de moneda cruzada. No es aconsejable que un titular de tarjeta ForexPlus opte por DCC / MCC mientras utiliza la tarjeta ForexPlus Platinum para realizar pagos. Tenga en cuenta que cada transacción de moneda cruzada atrae los cargos de conversión de moneda a las tasas aplicables. Aparte de esto, el titular de la tarjeta también será penalizado debido a la fluctuación en la tasa de conversión de moneda. ¿Cómo sabré qué cajeros automáticos aceptan la tarjeta HDFC Bank Platinum de ForexPlus? Todos los cajeros automáticos que exhiben el logotipo de VISA aceptarán la tarjeta HDFC Bank ForexPlus Platinum. Cómo puedo hacer uso de los Servicios de Asistencia al Cliente Global (GCAS) para mi Tarjeta Platinum de ForexPlus Puede llamar a los números de centro de llamadas de VISA para hacer uso de los servicios disponibles en los Servicios de Asistencia al Cliente Global. Haga clic aquí para obtener los números de Centro de Llamadas de Visas de país. ¿Cómo puedo saber si un cajero automático acepta mi tarjeta Platinum de ForexPlus? Las tarjetas Platinum de ForexPlus se aceptan en los cajeros automáticos de Visa. Por favor busque el logo de VISA / PLUS mientras busca ATM. ¿Puedo cargar la tarjeta Forex mediante el pago en efectivo No, la tarjeta Forex no se puede cargar contra el pago de efectivo. En caso de que el cliente existente del banco necesite cargar su tarjeta de la divisa haciendo el pago en efectivo entonces, el cliente necesita depositar el efectivo en su cuenta y después emitir la instrucción del cheque o del débito para cargar la tarjeta. Qué documentos debo enviar al comprar la tarjeta HDFC Bank Platinum de ForexPlus Los titulares de cuentas de ahorros / cuenta corriente de HDFC necesitan presentar el formulario de solicitud completo, una copia del boleto o la visa y el formulario A2 (o cualquier otra documentación según las directrices de FEMA) Si no tiene cuenta de ahorros / cuentas corrientes de HDFC, debe presentar el formulario de solicitud completo, copia de boleto o la visa y el formulario A2 (o cualquier otra documentación de Forex según lo establecido en las directrices predominantes de FEMA), así como una fotocopia de su pasaporte válido. ¿Dónde puedo conseguir esta tarjeta? La tarjeta Platinum de ForexPlus está disponible en el mostrador en las sucursales de HDFC Bank. Sólo tiene que entrar en nuestra sucursal con la documentación necesaria y salir con la tarjeta Platinum de ForexPlus. La tarjeta se activará en un plazo de 4 horas desde la realización de los fondos. Alternativamente, el cliente puede solicitar la tarjeta a través de NetBanking login también. En caso de que el cliente aplica la tarjeta a través de NetBanking la tarjeta será entregada al cliente dentro de 2 días hábiles. Esta facilidad está disponible en ciertos lugares solamente. ¿Qué sucede si mi tarjeta se pierde? En caso de que su tarjeta se pierda o sea robada, todo lo que tiene que hacer es llamar a HDFC Bank 24x7 PhoneBanking inmediatamente y reportar la pérdida de su tarjeta. La tarjeta también se puede incluir en la lista de favoritos utilizando nuestro servicio NetBanking prepagado. En caso de que haya optado por una tarjeta de respaldo, puede solicitar activar la tarjeta de respaldo y el saldo de la transferencia en la tarjeta de la tarjeta de reserva a la tarjeta de respaldo. La transferencia de saldo se realizará instantáneamente. ¿Qué significa DCC / MCC para DCC significa Dynamic Currency Conversion mientras que MCC significa Conversoin de Divisas Múltiples. DCC / MCC en ATM / POS ofrece al titular de la tarjeta una opción para iniciar una transacción en la moneda de su elección. También ayuda al titular de la tarjeta a conocer el valor exacto de la transacción en la moneda seleccionada en el momento de la transacción. ¿Puedo cargar la tarjeta Platinum de ForexPlus haciendo el pago en efectivo? No, la tarjeta Platinum de ForexPlus no se puede cargar contra el pago de efectivo. ¿Quién puede comprar ForexPlus Platinum Card? ForexPlus Platinum tarjeta sólo se puede utilizar para hacer pagos fuera de la India a excepción de Nepal amp Bhután. Siempre que el titular de la tarjeta esté usando su tarjeta debe estar presente en el lugar de la transacción amp necesita firmar los feeslips. Así, emitimos la tarjeta de la viruta de ForexPlus a los clientes que viajan en el extranjero prueba válida de la documentación. ¿Cuántos días de anticipación puedo comprar divisas? Puede comprar divisas hasta 60 días antes de la fecha de salida. ¿Cuántas divisas puedo retener después del viaje al extranjero? Después de regresar del viaje al extranjero, usted está obligado a entregar divisas no utilizadas en su poder dentro de los 180 días de su regreso. Puede retener divisas de hasta USD 2.000 (o equivalente) para uso futuro después de regresar a la India. ¿Se puede recargar el valor de la tarjeta? Sí, la tarjeta Platinum de ForexPlus puede volver a cargarse varias veces en el futuro hasta que se vence la tarjeta: Puede autorizar al Banco a cargar su cuenta bancaria HDFC mediante un cheque bancario HDFC o hacer un pago mediante un Cheque local dibujado en HDFC Bank y recargar la tarjeta para el valor deseado. Las solicitudes de recarga pueden ser hechas por cualquier persona autorizada en su nombre. La persona autorizada por usted para el mismo tendrá que venir a la sucursal bancaria y tendrá que proporcionar los documentos necesarios para el banco para llevar a cabo la recarga. Al recibir el formulario de solicitud y los fondos, su tarjeta se recargará por la cantidad deseada. Los clientes de HDFC Bank también pueden hacer una solicitud para recargar la tarjeta a través de los servicios de Phone Bank de HDFC Bank. Incase la tarjeta es emitida por su empresa / empleador, las solicitudes de recarga recibidas a través de ellos será actuado por el Banco HDFC. Tarjeta GiftPlus ¿Cómo se recupera el valor de las tarjetas GiftPlus no son recargables en la naturaleza y por lo tanto no se puede rellenar. ¿Cómo puedo comprar tarjetas HDFC Bank GiftPlus? Las tarjetas GiftPlus están disponibles en todas las sucursales bancarias de HDFC. También puede comprar la tarjeta GiftPlus en línea, a través de nuestro servicio NetBanking. Los pasos detallados para la compra en línea se mencionan a continuación: Inicie sesión en NetBanking. Vaya a la sección Cuentas y seleccione Tarjeta de regalo de compra. La tarjeta GiftPlus se puede personalizar con el nombre del beneficiario según lo proporcionado por usted. Deberá tener derechos financieros (TPT) para esta transacción. ¿Puedo cargar la tarjeta GiftPlus mediante el pago en efectivo? No se puede cargar la tarjeta GiftPlus contra pago en efectivo. La tarjeta GiftPlus se puede cargar por medio de un débito directo a su cuenta bancaria HDFC, cheque local dibujado en HDFC Bank o borrador de demanda puede ser el valor de la tarjeta de ser completado Gifting creemos que es especial para la ocasión y por lo tanto no se puede recargar esta tarjeta . Cada ocasión es una nueva ocasión y merece una nueva tarjeta. ¿Cuánto tiempo puedo obtener una tarjeta GitfPlus? En nuestras sucursales bancarias, GiftPlus Card puede ser aprovechado de sobre el mostrador. Sin embargo, estas tarjetas no están personalizadas. Si una tarjeta personalizada se solicita en línea o en cualquier sucursal, el TAT es 5-7 días hábiles. La conveniencia de la compra en línea es que la tarjeta se entregará a la dirección especificada en sus instrucciones Puede regalo más tarjeta utilizada fuera de la India GiftPlus Card es una tarjeta prepagada INR, que sólo se puede utilizar en la India. ¿Hay un cargo recaudado por el uso de la tarjeta No, no hay ningún cargo sobre el uso de la tarjeta. Sin embargo, hay cargos por la reedición. Cualquier recargo por el uso de la tarjeta sería aplicable en esta tarjeta y no es reembolsable por el Banco ¿Cuánto tiempo puedo usar la tarjeta después de haberla comprado? Su tarjeta se activará con la cantidad cargada dentro de unos pocos Horas después de que el banco haya recibido fondos claros de usted. Una vez activada, la tarjeta está lista para su uso. ¿Qué documentos debo enviar cuando adquiero una tarjeta de HDFC Bank Giftplus Si usted es un titular de la Cuenta de Ahorros o Corrientes de HDFC existente entonces sólo tiene que enviar el formulario de solicitud de la tarjeta Giftplus. Si no es un titular actual de la Cuenta de Ahorros o de la Cuenta de Ahorros de HDFC, deberá presentar el formulario de solicitud de la tarjeta Giftplus junto con su prueba de identificación y dirección. ¿Hay un límite de cantidad de carga Sí, un saldo de tarjeta no puede ser más de Rs. 50.000 en cualquier momento dado. ¿Cuáles son los cargos en la tarjeta? El uso de la tarjeta no se carga, pero la reedición de la tarjeta se carga Rs. 100 por reedición. ¿Qué sucede si olvido mi PIN de ATM? Puede llamar a su número local de PhoneBanking de HDFC y pedir un nuevo PIN para que se vuelva a emitir. Sin embargo, el PIN se entregará a la dirección de los compradores con el banco. Puede solicitar un nuevo PIN a través de Internet a través de su cuenta de tarjeta Giftplus. ¿A quién debo contactar si mi tarjeta se pierde o es robada? En el caso de que su tarjeta se pierda o sea robada, todo lo que tiene que hacer es llamar al Banco HDFC PhoneBanking inmediatamente y reportar la pérdida de su tarjeta. Esta instalación está disponible las 24 horas. En todos los días. La tarjeta también puede ser lista caliente usando nuestra facilidad NetBanking de tarjeta prepagada en hdfcbank. Se emitirá una nueva tarjeta y el saldo residual de su tarjeta seleccionada se transferirá a su nueva tarjeta. Nueva tarjeta será emitida sólo la base de la solicitud recibida del comprador. La solicitud de transferencia de saldo de la tarjeta de edad a la nueva tarjeta se honrará sólo la base de la solicitud recibida del comprador Puede el PIN de ATM se cambia No, el PIN de ATM no se puede cambiar. ¿Necesito tener una cuenta de HDFC Bank para comprar una tarjeta de HDFC Bank Giftplus No, usted no necesita tener una cuenta de HDFC Bank para comprar una tarjeta de Giftplus. Simplemente camine en cualquier sucursal de HDFC Bank en India, envíe sus documentos KYC y compre una tarjeta HDFC Bank Giftplus en el mostrador. Modo de pago. Check / DD ¿Hay transacciones para las que no puedo usar la tarjeta? Sí, la tarjeta no se puede utilizar para retirar efectivo. Sólo se puede utilizar para transacciones de TPV. Nota: El Banco se reserva el derecho de cobrar al Tarjetahabiente por cualquier cantidad no autorizada. ¿Qué es la tarjeta HDFC Bank Giftplus? Tarjeta HDFC Banks GiftPlus es una tarjeta prepagada basada en banda magnética que se le trajo en asociación con VISA. ¿Qué pasa si olvido mi código de activación? Visite HDFC bank Prepaid NetBanking y seleccione Forgot Password. De Nacimiento y número de pasaporte. El código se enviará a su dirección de correo electrónico registrada. Haga clic aquí para ver la demo. ¿Cómo puedo cancelar mi tarjeta Multicurrency Platinum ForexPlus? Para cancelar su tarjeta Multicurrency, le pedimos que visite nuestra sucursal bancaria HDFC más cercana y solicite cancelar la tarjeta. Su solicitud será procesada dentro de un día laborable de nosotros recibiendo la solicitud y el saldo disponible en la tarjeta será devuelto a su cuenta. Incase usted no tiene una cuenta con nosotros entonces un borrador de la demanda se publicará para el importe de reembolso respectivo. No hay cargos por la cancelación de una tarjeta Multicurrency. Sin embargo, el impuesto de conversión de monedas, según proceda, de vez en cuando se deducirá en el momento de otorgarle crédito. Por favor, visite la siguiente dirección URL para acceder a la información de la dirección completa y los detalles de contacto de nuestros Centros de Sucursales y PhoneBanking: ¿Necesito tener una cuenta de HDFC Bank para comprar la tarjeta Multicurrency Platinum ForexPlus Chip No, no necesita tener una cuenta con HDFC Bank Para comprar la tarjeta Multicurrency. Usted puede caminar en cualquiera de nuestras sucursales bancarias HDFC en la India y comprarlo en el mostrador. ¿Qué documentos debo enviar cuando adquiero el HDFC Bank Multicurrency Platinum ForexPlus tarjeta de chip HDFC Bank Ahorros / cuenta corriente titulares necesidad de presentar sólo el formulario de solicitud completa y una copia del pasaporte válido (o cualquier otra documentación según lo establecido bajo las directrices prevalentes LRS) Si no Tiene la cuenta de ahorros / cuenta corriente del banco HDFC, debe presentar el formulario de solicitud completo, una copia del pasaporte válido y una copia del boleto o de la visa (o cualquier otra documentación según lo establecido en las directrices frecuentes de LRS). ¿Cuál es el valor máximo para el que se puede utilizar la tarjeta? No hay límite impuesto sobre el uso de la tarjeta Platinum Multicurrency. Los clientes pueden retirar / utilizar cualquier cantidad, hasta el valor cargado en la tarjeta Platinum Multicurrency en cualquier ATM / POS. Sin embargo, hay algunos proveedores de servicios de cajeros automáticos que han puesto en por día / por límite de transacción hacia efectivo dispensar que no puede ser cambiado por el Banco. En tales casos, el titular de la tarjeta podría necesitar realizar múltiples transacciones si desea retirar cualquier cantidad superior a la permitida en una transacción. La tarjeta Multicurrency Platinum ForexPlus Chip activada para Verified by VISA (VBV) Ypes, la tarjeta Multicurrency que se ofrece en la plataforma VISA está pre-habilitada para Verified by VISA que le permite realizar transacciones de comercio electrónico de forma segura. A continuación se indican los pasos para realizar la transacción de comercio electrónico con los comerciantes participantes en VBV: Seleccione los productos o servicios que desee de una tienda en línea y continúe con la página de pago. Ingrese su tarjeta HDFC Bank Multicurrency Platinum ForexPlus Chip El número Visa y la tienda en línea se conectarán con HDFC Bank para verificar si su tarjeta está asegurada con Verified by Visa. Introduzca su IPIN (utilizado para iniciar sesión en NetBanking prepagado) y HDFC Bank confirmará su identidad al comerciante. Su pago está autorizado y se realiza su pedido. ¿Qué sucede si mi tarjeta se pierde? En caso de que su tarjeta se pierda o sea robada, todo lo que tiene que hacer es llamar al Banco HDFC PhoneBanking inmediatamente e informar de la pérdida de su tarjeta. Esta instalación está disponible las 24 horas. En todos los días. En caso de que se le haya expedido una tarjeta de respaldo en el kit, puede activar la tarjeta de respaldo llamando a la Banca Telefónica del Banco HDFC oa través de NetBanking Prepagado. Una vez activada la tarjeta de respaldo, todos los fondos de la tarjeta principal se transferirán automáticamente a la tarjeta de respaldo. ¿Puede el valor de la tarjeta se rellena Sí, su tarjeta de Multicurrency se puede recargar varias veces en el futuro hasta que la tarjeta se vence. Los clientes bancarios existentes pueden recargar su tarjeta Multicurrency a través de HDFC Bank NetBanking seleccionando Reload Forex Card bajo la opción de la ficha Cards. Alternativamente, los clientes existentes también pueden realizar una solicitud para volver a cargar la tarjeta a través del servicio de Phone Bank de HDFC Bank. Incase la tarjeta es emitida por su empresa / empleador, las solicitudes de recarga recibidas a través de ellos será actuado por el Banco HDFC. ¿Puedo usar la tarjeta para pagar en cualquier moneda? Sí, la tarjeta se acepta para el pago en cualquier moneda aparte de los cargados en la tarjeta. Tenga en cuenta que los cargos de conversión de moneda cruzada serán aplicables al procesar dichas transacciones. ¿Necesito activar la tarjeta Multicurrency Platinum ForexPlus Chip para transacciones de comercio electrónico? La tarjeta Multicurrency está preactivada para realizar transacciones de comercio electrónico una vez que su tarjeta se carga con la divisa requerida. ¿Puedo emitir cheques para cargar la tarjeta Multicurrency Platinum ForexPlus Chip? El cliente puede cargar la tarjeta Multicurrency por emisión de cheque contra la cantidad que se va a cargar. Sin embargo, las tarjetas se cargarán después de la realización del cheque depositado por el cliente. El tipo de cambio aplicable será para el día en que se realizan los fondos y se activa la tarjeta. ¿Hay cargos adicionales para ser conscientes de algunas cosas a tener en cuenta - los bancos de EE. UU. se les da el derecho de añadir un recargo a otros clientes de los bancos acceder a sus cajeros automáticos. También hay cajeros automáticos en otros países que pueden cobrar un cargo por transacciones realizadas por clientes no bancarios. Estas tarifas se muestran normalmente durante la transacción. Compruebe esto, para que pueda continuar o finalizar la transacción. No soy un viajero, ¿puedo seguir beneficiándose de la tarjeta Multicurrency? La Multicurrency Platinum ForexPlus Chip Card es sólo para los viajeros, y no puede ser emitida a los no viajeros ¿Cuáles son los escenarios de autorización Cuando el titular de la tarjeta realiza una transacción de pago, Escenario 1 - Si el cliente tiene moneda local (dependiendo del país de la transacción) cartera con saldo suficiente, entonces la transacción se procesará utilizando los saldos de la cartera en moneda local. Escenario 2 ndash Si la moneda local La moneda es parte de las múltiples monedas ofrecidas en la tarjeta, pero el cliente no tiene saldo suficiente en billetes en moneda local, sin embargo, si el cliente tiene saldo suficiente (equivalente a moneda local) en la billetera de moneda predeterminada (EUR), la transacción se procesará utilizando Los saldos de la cartera de moneda predeterminada. El valor de la moneda predeterminada se convertirá a moneda local utilizando el tipo de conversión de moneda cruzada decidido por el Banco. Esta tasa se calculará con un margen de 2 en la tasa de cambio cruzada IBR Escenario 3 ndash Si la moneda local es parte de las múltiples monedas ofrecidas en la tarjeta, pero el cliente no tiene saldo suficiente en billetera en moneda local, EUR) sin embargo, si el cliente tiene saldo suficiente (equivalente a moneda local) en cualquier otra cartera de divisas, la transacción se procesará utilizando los saldos de la cartera de monedas respectiva. La tarjeta buscará saldos en todas las billeteras de monedas en el siguiente orden de prioridad según lo decidido por el valor del banco de la moneda respectiva se convertirá a moneda local utilizando el tipo de cambio de moneda cruzada decidido por el Banco. Esta tasa se calculará con un margen de beneficio 2 en el tipo de cambio cruzado IBR. Escenario 4 - Si el cliente realiza transacciones en moneda que no se ofrece en la tarjeta, la transacción se procesará cargando la moneda por defecto (EUR). La conversión de divisas cruzadas tendría lugar según las tarifas de Visa / MasterCard existentes (2) aplicables a las tarjetas de una sola moneda. En caso de que la cartera de divisas por defecto no tiene saldo suficiente, entonces los fondos se extraerían de la cartera con fondos suficientes y se convertirían a la moneda por defecto utilizando la tasa de conversión de la moneda Bankrsquos. No se permiten transacciones parciales en billetes de divisas diferentes. Si el cliente no tiene saldo suficiente para procesar las transacciones individualmente en cualquiera de las carteras de divisas, la transacción se rechaza incluso si los saldos colectivos de la tarjeta en todas las monedas son suficientes para procesar la transacción. ¿Cuántos días de anticipación puedo comprar moneda extranjera? Intercambio Puede comprar divisas hasta 60 días antes de la fecha de salida. ¿Cómo puedo saber si un cajero automático acepta mi tarjeta Multicurrency? Busque el logotipo de VISA. ¿Dónde puedo conseguir esta tarjeta Multicurrency Platinum ForexPlus Chip tarjeta está disponible en el mostrador en las sucursales de HDFC Bank. Simplemente tiene que ir a nuestra sucursal con la documentación necesaria y salir con la tarjeta Multicurrency. La tarjeta se activará dentro de 5 a 6 horas desde la realización de los fondos. Alternativamente, los clientes bancarios existentes pueden solicitar la tarjeta iniciando sesión en HDFC Bank NetBanking seleccionando la opción de compra de tarjeta de Forex en la pestaña Tarjetas. ¿Puedo usar la opción DCC / MCC en el momento de la transacción Cada vez que el titular de la tarjeta Platinum Multicurrency opta por la opción DCC / MCC en los terminales POS / ATM habilitados para DCC / MCC, su transacción pasa dos veces por medio de transacciones cruzadas. No es aconsejable que un titular de tarjeta ForexPlus opte por DCC / MCC mientras utiliza la tarjeta ForexPlus Platinum para realizar pagos. Tenga en cuenta que cada transacción de moneda cruzada atrae los cargos de conversión de moneda a las tasas aplicables. Aparte de esto, el titular de la tarjeta también será penalizado debido a la fluctuación en la tasa de conversión de moneda. ¿Cómo puedo hacer uso de los Servicios de Asistencia al Cliente Globales (GCAS) para mi Tarjeta de Multicurrency? Puede llamar a los números de centro de llamadas de VISA para hacer uso de los Servicios de Asistencia al Cliente de VISArsquos Global. ¿Cuáles son los tipos de cambio aplicables cuando uso mi tarjeta de viaje para transacciones (retiro de efectivo en cajeros automáticos y transacciones de punto de venta en puntos de venta de comerciantes) Si La transacción se realiza en moneda base (moneda con la que se cargó la tarjeta), no hay tipo de cambio aplicable. Sin embargo, para transacciones que no sean la moneda base, los tipos de cambio / tipos de conversión de la moneda base a la moneda local serían aplicables. ¿Qué sucede si olvido mi PIN ATM? El cliente puede restablecer el PIN ATM siguiendo los siguientes pasos: Inicie sesión en NetBanking prepago utilizando IPIN Seleccione mi solicitud - gtSet PIN ATM - gt Selecciona la tarjeta activa (botón de radio) Responde a la pregunta secreta. Mención DOB, caducidad de la tarjeta y enviar Introduzca el nuevo PIN de ATM que se establecerá y, finalmente, enviar. A continuación, recibirá una alerta de SMS / correo electrónico en su número de teléfono móvil registrado / dirección de correo electrónico ¿A quién debo contactar para obtener la tarjeta de reemplazo? ¿Hay un cargo por el reemplazo? Debe realizar la solicitud en cualquiera de las sucursales de HDFC Bank. Las cargas para la reedición se dan en el horario de cargas. ¿Qué servicios puedo utilizar en GCAS? Usted puede hacer uso de los siguientes servicios a través de GCAS Emergency Card Reemplazo Desembolso de emergencia en efectivo Servicio de información sobre tarjeta perdida y robada Nota: Los cargos por visado son aplicables ¿Qué es el HDFC Bank Multicurrency Platinum ForexPlus Tarjeta Chip HDFC Bank Multicurrency Platinum ForexPlus Chip Es una tarjeta de divisa prepaga basada en chip incorporada introducida en asociación con VISA / MasterCard International. Es la primera tarjeta que le ofrece la opción de llevar hasta 24 monedas simultáneamente en una sola tarjeta de una manera cómoda y segura. Esta tarjeta le da la libertad de comprar en cualquier parte del mundo y proporciona acceso a la moneda de su destino a precios competitivos del mercado. Se puede utilizar en todos los cajeros automáticos y establecimientos comerciales de VISA / MasterCard en todo el mundo. Esta tarjeta no se puede utilizar para pagos en India, Nepal o Bhután. Cuáles son las monedas que pueden ser cargadas en la tarjeta Hay 24 divisas ofrecidas que se pueden cargar en la tarjeta: Dólar australiano (AUD) Dólar canadiense (CAD) Euro (EUR) Yen japonés (JPY) Dólares canadienses SGD) Libra esterlina (GBP) Franco suizo (CHF) Dólar estadounidense (USD) Corona sueca (SEK) Dólar de Hong-Kong (HKD) Dólar de Nueva Zelandia (NZD) Krone (DKK) Corona noruega (NOK) Riyal saudí (SAR) Ringgit malasio (MYR) Won coreano (KRW) Rublo ruso (RUB) Dinar de Bahrein (BHD) Riyal de Qatar (QAR) Dinar de Kuwait (KWD) El impuesto de servicio aplicable en el momento de la Carga, Recarga y Reembolso A continuación se indican los bloques de impuestos del servicio de conversión de monedas aplicables en el momento de Cargar, Recargar y Reembolsar: Cómo establecer Prepago NetBanking Identificación de usuario / Contraseña por primera vez Puede haber recibido IPIN O el Código de Activación en el kit que se le proporciona. El código de activación se imprimirá en el correo de la tarjeta debajo de la tarjeta, mientras que el IPIN se imprimirá en el correo PIN junto con el PIN de ATM. El código de activación / IPIN es necesario para configurar la contraseña NetBanking para su tarjeta Multicurrency por primera vez. Following steps should be followed for setting NetBanking User ID / Password for the first time using Activation Code / IPIN: Visit HDFC Bank website and select Prepaid NetBanking Enter the Card Number in User ID/Card Number field and the Activation Code / IPIN (mentioned in the PIN mailer) in the Password field. Input User ID of your choice for future login purpose Select the secret question from a dropdown menu and provide the answer Mention the new Password and reconfirm the same With the new User Id and Password you can then login to access your card account Can I transfer balance from one currency wallet to other currencies online Yes, you can transfer balance from one currency wallet to other currency wallet using Prepaid NetBanking facility. You can also add the desired currency wallets through Prepaid NetBanking facility How can I check the balance on my HDFC Bank Multicurrency ForexPlus Chip card You can check the balance on all the active currency wallets on Multicurrency card with the help of Prepaid NetBanking facility. Alternately, you can also contact our PhoneBanking services to check the balance on your Multicurrency card. Are there any transactions for which this Card should not be used Yes, your Multicurrency ForexPlus Platinum card should not be used towards temporary charge blocks - e. g. paying deposits at hotels, hiring of cars etc. Incase you have paid these deposits using ForexPlus Platinum Multicurrency card and the hotel/car rental agency etc. settles the transaction for an amount lesser than the amount blocked or you make final payment through any different mode, the balance amount will get credited into your account only after 30 days from the transaction date. Note: The Bank reserves the right to charge the Card holder for any unauthorized amounts. Do I need to pay additional amount over and above Cash withdrawal Charges levied by the HDFC Bank for ATM transaction In certain countries ATM Service providers are authorized to charge surcharge/convenience fees from the cardholders for accessing the ATM to withdraw money. These charges are levied by the ATM service provider over and above the charges levied by the HDFC Bank, and HDFC Bank bank has no control over the charges as these charges are not levied by the bank. These charges are normally displayed to the customer during the transaction and the customer has the option to either proceed with the transaction or abort if the charges are not acceptable to the customer. What does DCC/ MCC stand for DCC stands for Dynamic Currency Conversion whereas MCC stands for Multiple Currency Conversoin. DCC / MCC at ATM / POS gives the cardholder an option to initiate a transaction in the currency of his choice. It also assists the cardholder to know the exact transaction value in the currency selected at the time of transaction. Can I load multiple currencies on one Multicurrency Platinum ForexPlus Chip card Yes, you can carry more than one currency on your Multicurrency card. Only HDFC Bank Multicurrency Platinum ForexPlus Chip card gives you the power of carrying multiple currencies on just one card. So now forget to apply for a new card every time you visit a different country. What should I do if my Multicurrency Platinum ForexPlus Chip card has expired but there is an unutilised balance on the card If your Card has expired before all funds have been utilised, you can contact HDFC Bank PhoneBanking or any of our HDFC Bank branch for placing a refund request of the un-utilised balance. In case you wish you get a replacement card, you can place a request at any of our HDFC Bank branch What options should I choose to withdraw cash from the ATM Generally, the options available at the ATM for cash withdrawal are Checking, Credit, and Savings. You should choose the Checking/Current option. In case the Checking/Current option is not available, you should select the Credit option. What if the balance in the currency of transaction goes down The card has inbuilt intelligence to process the transaction if any of the currency wallets has sufficient fund to authorize the transaction. If the currency wallet corresponding to the transaction currency does not have sufficient balance, the payment is processed by debiting the currency wallet with sufficient balance. By default the card first checks the Euro wallet and subsequently other currencies. Please note that if none of currency wallets have sufficient balance then the transaction will be declined even if collectively across the wallets the card has sufficient balance. Please note that cross currency conversion charges will be applicable in cases where the transaction is processed by utilizing funds from different currency wallet. How does this card work Your HDFC Bank Multicurrency Platinum ForexPlus Chip card will be activated with the required currencies within 5 to 6 hours from the bank getting the clear funds from you. Once active, the card can be used at any international location for making payments at POS terminals or to withdraw cash at ATMs. (Usage of the card is not allowed in India, Nepal and Bhutan.) HDFC Bank Multicurrency Platinum ForexPlus Chip card works just like any Debit / Credit Card for making payments at Merchant Establishments that have an electronic terminal. The transaction amount is deducted from available balance on the Multicurrency card. HDFC Bank Multicurrency Platinum ForexPlus Chip card is accepted at all Merchant Establishments displaying the VISA/MasterCard symbol. The card can be used to withdraw cash at all VISA/MasterCard ATMs worldwide. Irrespective of the currency loaded on the card, the cash will be dispensed based on the currencies supported at the ATMs. Please note that you can select /change your ATM PIN with the help of Prepaid NetBanking facility for Multicurrency Cards. What are the charges towards availing GCAS services Following are the charges for availing GCAS facility offered by Visa: Cardholder Inquiry Service: US 5 per inquiry Lost/Stolen Card reporting: US 35 per card Emergency Card Replacement: US 175 Emergency Cash Disbursement: US 175 What should I do and whom to contact if my card is lost In case your card gets lost or stolen, all you have to do is call HDFC Bank PhoneBanking immediately and report the loss of your card. Esta instalación está disponible las 24 horas todos los días. The card can also be hotlisted using our Prepaid card NetBanking facility on hdfcbank Where do I get this card ISIC ForexPlus Card is available over the counter at HDFC Bank branches. You simply need to walk into our branch with required documentation and walk out with ISIC ForexPlus Card. The card will get activated within 4 hours from realization of funds. Also you can apply by visiting hdfcbank - gt Apply Online section or hdfcbank/personal/products/cards/prepaid-cards - gt ISIC Student ID ForexPlus Card - gt Buy Forex Card Whom should I contact if my card is lost or stolen Immediately report the loss of your ISIC ForexPlus Chip Card by calling HDFC Bank PhoneBanking. You will not be liable for transactions on your Card Account (if any) from the moment your report is registered with the bank. Alternately you can hotlist the card with the help of Prepaid NetBanking facility. How can I check the balance on my HDFC Bank ISIC ForexPlus Chip Card You can check the balance on ISIC ForexPlus Chip card with the help of NetBanking facility. Deberá utilizar el número de tarjeta como IPIN de ID de usuario que se le haya expedido como parte del kit de tarjeta para iniciar sesión en NetBanking. Alternately, you can also contact our PhoneBanking services to check the balance on your ISIC ForexPlus Chip Card. How much foreign exchange can I retain after the foreign trip After returning from the overseas trip, you are required to surrender unspent foreign exchange held by you within 180 days of return. You can retain foreign exchange up to USD 2,000 (or equivalent) for future use after returning back to India. ¿Qué sucede si mi tarjeta se pierde? En caso de que su tarjeta se pierda o sea robada, todo lo que tiene que hacer es llamar al Banco HDFC PhoneBanking inmediatamente e informar de la pérdida de su tarjeta. Esta instalación está disponible las 24 horas todos los días. The card can also be hotlisted using our Prepaid card NetBanking facility on hdfcbank How do I top-up the value of my card when I am abroad ISIC HDFC Bank ForexPlus Card can also be loaded on your behalf by someone authorized (blood relatives only) by you. La persona autorizada tiene que visitar la sucursal de HDFC Bank con los documentos y fondos necesarios. Wersquoll take care of the rest. You can reload your ISIC ForexPlus Card multiple times in future till the card gets expired: You can authorize the Bank to debit your HDFC Bank account by giving an HDFC Bank cheque or make payment using a local cheque drawn on HDFC Bank and reload the card for desired value. Reload requests can be made by any authorized person (blood relatives only) on your behalf. The person authorised by you for the same will need to come to bank branch and will need to provide the necessary documents to the bank to carry out reload. On receipt of the application form and the funds, your card will get reloaded for the desired amount. Los clientes de HDFC Bank también pueden hacer una solicitud para recargar la tarjeta a través de HDFC Bank PhoneBanking o HDFC Bank NetBanking. What documents should I submit when I purchase the ISIC HDFC Bank ForexPlus Card Customers have to provide the following documents: Completed ISIC HDFC Bank ForexPlus Card application Form Form A2 Appointment Letter / Admission Letter / University Identity Card Scanned copy passport size photograph with white background A photocopy of Passport Additional document for non HDFC Bank Customer - Visa Copy or Ticket Copy I have renewed my passport with new number. Do I need to update my new Passport number in my ISIC ForexPlus Chip Card Yes, we request you to get in touch with nearby branch along with original amp copy of your passport to get the new passport number updated in the banks records. Passport number is key validation criteria to check caller authenticity when you contact our 24 x 7 PhoneBanking service, hence it is recommended to update Passport number at the earliest. Can a non Traveller purchase ISIC ForexPlus Card No, ISIC ForexPlus Card can only be issued to Students travelling abroad to pursue higher education. ISIC ForexPlus Card is valid for making payments in countries other than India, Nepal amp Bhutan. Whenever the cardholder is using his card he must be present at the place of transaction amp need to sign the charge slip. Can I load ISIC ForexPlus card by making payment in Cash No, ISIC ForexPlus card cannot be loaded against payment of cash. What do I need to know about ISIC HDFC Bank ForexPlus Card Embedded with a chip, this ForexPlus card offers you a convenient and secure way to carry your Forex. Con la tarjeta ISIC HDFC Bank ForexPlus puede comprar en cualquier parte del mundo. Are there any transactions for which this Card should not be used Yes, your ISIC ForexPlus Card should not be used towards temporary charge blocks - e. g. paying deposits at hotels, hiring of cars etc. In case you have paid these deposits using ForexPlus Card and the hotel/car rental agency etc. settles the transaction for an amount lesser than the amount blocked or you make final payment through any different mode, the balance amount will get credited into your account only after 30 days from the transaction date. Note: The Bank reserves the right to charge the Card holder for any unauthorized amounts. Do I need to pay additional amount over and above Cash withdrawal Charges levied by the HDFC Bank for ATM transaction In certain countires ATM Service providers are authorized to charge surcharge/convenience fees from the cardholders for accessing the ATM to withdraw money. These charges are levied by the ATM service provider over and above the charges levied by the HDFC Bank, and HDFC Bank bank has no control over the charges as these charges are not levied by the bank. These charges are normally displayed to the customer during the transaction and the customer has the option to either proceed with the transaction or abort if the charges are not acceptable to the customer. How many days in advance can I purchase foreign exchange You can purchase foreign exchange up to 60 days in advance from the date of departure. Can the value of the card be topped up Yes, your ISIC ForexPlus Chip Card can be reloaded multiple times in future till the card gets expired: You can authorize the Bank to debit your HDFC Bank account by giving an HDFC Bank cheque or make payment using a local cheque drawn on HDFC Bank and reload the card for desired value. Las solicitudes de recarga pueden ser hechas por cualquier persona autorizada en su nombre. The person authorised by you for the same will need to come to bank branch and will need to provide the necessary documents to the bank to carry out reload. On receipt of the application form and the funds, your card will get reloaded for the desired amount. Los clientes de HDFC Bank también pueden hacer una solicitud para recargar la tarjeta a través de HDFC Bank PhoneBanking o HDFC Bank NetBanking. Can I use the DCC/ MCC option at the time of transaction Whenever ISIC ForexPlus cardholder opts for DCC/MCC option on DCC/MCC enabled POS/ATM terminals, his/her transaction passes through cross currency transactions twice. It is not advisable for a ISIC ForexPlus cardholder to opt for DCC/MCC while using ISIC ForexPlus Chip card for making payments. Please note that every cross currency transaction attracts currency conversion charges at applicable rates. Apart from this, the cardholder will also get penalised due to fluctuation in currency conversion rate. What is the maximum value for which the Card can be used There is no limit imposed on the usage of ISIC ForexPlus Card. Customers can withdraw/utilise any amount, upto the value loaded on the card at any ATM/POS. However, there are some ATMs service providers which have put in per day / per transaction limit towards cash dispense which cannot be changed by the Bank. In such cases the cardholder might need to do multiple transactions if he wants to withdraw any amount higher than that allowed in one transaction. Can I issue Cheque for loading of ISIC HDFC Bank ForexPlus Card Customer can load ISIC ForexPlus card by issuance of cheque against the amount to be loaded. However, cards will be loaded post realisation of the cheque deposited by the customer. The exchange rate applicable will be for the day on which funds are realized and card is activated How do I know if an ATM will accept my ISIC HDFC Bank ForexPlus Card ISIC ForexPlus cards are accepted at MasterCard ATMs. Please look out for the MasterCard logo while searching for ATM. What is the validity of the ISIC HDFC Bank ForexPlus Card The ISIC ForexPlus card shall be valid for period for 1year. Do I need to have HDFC Bank account to purchase the ISIC HDFC Bank ForexPlus Chip Card No, you dont need to have an account with HDFC Bank to purchase the ISIC ForexPlus Chip card. You can just walk into any of our HDFC bank branches in India and purchase it over the counter on submission of relevant KYC and mandatory documents. What does DCC/ MCC stand for DCC stands for Dynamic Currency Conversion whereas MCC stands for Multiple Currency Conversoin. DCC / MCC at ATM / POS gives the cardholder an option to initiate a transaction in the currency of his choice. It also assists the cardholder to know the exact transaction value in the currency selected at the time of transaction. Who should I contact for my replacement Card Is there a charge for replacement You can contact the HDFC Bank branch and ask for replacement of your HDFC Bank ISIC ForexPlus Chip card. Reissued card will be sent to your domestic address updated in the banks records. The charges towards reissuance of ISIC ForexPlus Chip card are given in the schedule of charges. What if I forget my ATM PIN You can call the HDFC bank PhoneBanking to request for re-issuance of PIN or place a request through Prepaid NetBanking. A new PIN will be sent across to your registered mailing address held on record with the bank. How do i get my card reissued post the expiry of the ISIC ForexPlus Chip Card You simply need to walk into our HDFC Bank branch with the required documentation and walk out with new ISIC ForexPlus Chip card. The new card issued to you will get activated within 4 hours and the available funds in expired card will be get automatically transferred to the new card. ¿Se puede cambiar el PIN de ATM? No, el PIN de ATM no se puede cambiar en el cajero automático. En caso de que haya olvidado o perdido el PIN, deberá solicitar un nuevo PIN con la ayuda de PhoneBanking o mediante NetBanking prepagado. How soon can the card be used after it is purchased Your card will be activated amp loaded with required currency within 4 hours from the bank having received clear funds from you. The card will be ready for use post activation. How can I cancel my ISIC HDFC Bank ForexPlus Card To cancel your ISIC ForexPlus Card, we request you to contact the PhoneBanking team or walk into your nearest HDFC Bank branch and place a request towards cancellation. Your request will be processed within one working day of us receiving the request. There are no charges towards the cancellation of a ISIC ForexPlus Card. However, currency conversion tax as applicable from time to time will be deducted at the time of providing credit to you. Kindly visit the following URL to access information for the complete address and contact details of our Branches and PhoneBanking centers: How does this card work Your ISIC HDFC Bank ForexPlus Chip card will be activated with the required Euro / GBP and USD within 4 hours from the bank getting the clear funds from you. Once active, the card can be used at any international location for making payments at POS terminals or to withdraw cash at ATMs. (Usage of the card is not allowed in India, Nepal and Bhutan.) ISIC HDFC Bank ForexPlus Chip card works just like any Debit / Credit Card for making payments at Merchant Establishments that have an electronic terminal. The transaction amount is deducted from available balance on the ISIC ForexPlus Chip card. The ISIC HDFC Bank ForexPlus Chip card is accepted at all Merchant Establishments displaying the MasterCard symbol. The card can be used to withdraw cash at all MasterCard ATMs worldwide. Irrespective of the currency loaded on the card, the cash will be dispensed based on the currencies supported at the ATMs. Please ensure that you remember the PIN given to you with the card pack, the PIN is unique for every card and cannot be changed at any domestic or international ATM. What is ISIC HDFC Bank ForexPlus card ISIC HDFC Bank ForexPlus Card is a magnetic strip based prepaid card introduced in partnership with MasterCard International. The card offers you a convenient and secure way to carry forex. This card offers you the freedom to shop anywhere in the world and provides access to the currency of your destination at competitive market rates. It can be used at all MasterCard ATMs and Merchant establishment worldwide. This card cannot be used for making payments in India, Nepal or Bhutan. How do I activate e-commerce Just log on to NetBanking and enable your e-commerce transaction facility. ¿Cómo puedo recargar el valor de mi tarjeta cuando estoy en el extranjero? La tarjeta ISIC ForexPlus también puede ser cargada en su nombre por alguien autorizado por usted. La persona autorizada tiene que visitar la sucursal de HDFC Bank con los documentos y fondos necesarios. Wersquoll take care of the rest. Puede volver a cargar su tarjeta ISIC ForexPlus varias veces en el futuro hasta que la tarjeta se vence: Puede autorizar al Banco a cargar su cuenta bancaria HDFC mediante un cheque bancario HDFC o hacer un pago utilizando un cheque local dibujado en HDFC Bank y recargar la tarjeta para valor deseado. Las solicitudes de recarga pueden ser hechas por cualquier persona autorizada en su nombre. The person authorised by you for the same will need to come to bank branch and will need to provide the necessary documents to the bank to carry out reload. On receipt of the application form and the funds, your card will get reloaded for the desired amount. Los clientes de HDFC Bank también pueden hacer una solicitud para recargar la tarjeta a través de HDFC Bank PhoneBanking o HDFC Bank NetBanking. How soon can I get an eGiftPlus Card The beneficiary will get a real-time instant delivery of the HDFC Bank eGiftPlus Card Why should I buy the eGiftPlus Card The Card comes with the following benefits: Instant issuance Instant activation Instant delivery Easy access to card details amp balance Accepted at all major e-commerce sites Personalised card How the HDFC Bank eGiftPlus Card is different from the GiftPlus Card GiftPlus card is a physical card which you can use at over 150 million Visa outlets across the country, whereas the HDFC Bank eGiftPlus Card is a personalised virtual Card that you can use at all major e-commerce sites. You can also write a personalised message and choose a design of your choice, basis on what occasion you want to gift them for. What documents should I submit when I purchase an HDFC Bank eGiftPlus Card There no need for any documents to be submitted. Do I need to have an account HDFC Bank account to purchase the HDFC Bank eGiftPlus Card No, you do not need to have a HDFC Bank account to purchase this. You can use any banks NetBanking or Debit/Credit Card. (Visa, Master, Diners) Whom should I contact if my Card is lost or stolen You can contact the below mentioned Customer Care number 022-33271010 or e-mail Can I change the ATM PIN There is no ATM PIN applicable for the HDFC Bank eGiftPlus Card. Only an IPIN is required to use HDFC Bank eGiftPlus Card. Are there any transactions for which I cannot use the Card HDFC Bank eGiftPlus Card can only be used on e-commerce websites. This Card will not be usable on websites which are restricted by the Govt. of India. Who can purchase the HDFC Bank eGiftPlus Card All HDFC Bank amp non HDFC Bank Customers can buy HDFC Bank eGiftPlus Card Purchase Limit per card For HDFC Bank: Rs.50,000 amp Non-HDFC Bank customers: Rs.10,000 What is the VBV Password VBV password is a secure code password, which will be used for authenticating any transaction through HDFC Bank eGiftPlus Card. Your HDFC Bank eGiftPlus Card IPIN will be your VBV Password. Can I load the HDFC Bank eGiftPlus Card by making payments in Cash No, the HDFC Bank eGiftPlus Card can be only purchased by making payment through NetBanking or via your Debit/Credit Card. What is the maximum amount I can load on the HDFC Bank eGiftPlus Card For HDFC Bank customers, Rs.50,000 For non-HDFC Bank customers, Rs.10,000 for each eGiftPlus Card. Who are authorized by the Reserve Bank to sell foreign exchange for travel purposes Foreign exchange can be purchased from any authorised person, such as Authorised Dealer (AD) Category-I bank and AD Category II. Full-Fledged Money Changers (FFMCs) are also permitted to release exchange for business and private visits. Who is an Authorized Dealer An Authorised Dealer is normally a bank specifically authorized by the Reserve Bank under Section 10(1) of FEMA, 1999, to deal in foreign exchange or foreign securities (the list of ADs is available on rbi. org. in ). How much foreign exchange can one buy when traveling abroad on private visits to a country outside India For private visits abroad, other than to Nepal and Bhutan, viz. for tourism purposes, etc. any resident can obtain foreign exchange up to an aggregate amount of USD 10,000, from an Authorised Dealer, in any one financial year, on self-declaration basis, irrespective of the number of visits undertaken during the year. This limit of USD 10,000 or its equivalent per financial year for private visits can also be availed of by a person who is availing of foreign exchange for travel abroad for any purposes, such as, for employment or immigration or studies. No hay divisas disponibles para visitar Nepal y / o Bhután para cualquier propósito. A resident Indian is allowed to take INR of denomination of Rs.100 or lesser denomination to Nepal and Bhutan without limit. How much foreign exchange is available for a business trip For business trips abroad to countries, other than to Nepal and Bhutan, a person can avail of foreign exchange up to USD 25,000 per visit. Las visitas en relación con la asistencia de una conferencia internacional, seminario, formación especializada, viaje de estudios, formación de aprendices, etc. son tratadas como visitas de negocios. Release of foreign exchange exceeding USD 25,000 for business travel abroad (other than to Nepal and Bhutan), irrespective of the period of stay, requires prior permission from the Reserve Bank. No release of foreign exchange is admissible for any kind of travel to Nepal and Bhutan or for any transaction with persons resident in Nepal. Investments in Bhutan are permitted in Indian Rupees as well as in freely convertible currencies. If investment is made in freely convertible currency/ ies, sale/winding up proceeds are required to be repatriated to India in freely convertible currencies. How much foreign currency can be taken while buying foreign exchange for travel abroad Travellers going to all countries other than (a) and ( b) below are allowed to purchase foreign currency notes / coins only up to USD 3000. Balance amount can be carried in the form of travellers cheque or bankers draft. Exceptions to this are (a) travellers proceeding to Iraq and Libya who can draw foreign exchange in the form of foreign currency notes and coins not exceeding USD 5000 or its equivalent (b) travellers proceeding to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Russian Federation and other Republics of Commonwealth of Independent States who can draw entire foreign exchange in the form of foreign currency notes or coins. How much foreign exchange can be drawn for medical treatment abroad AD Category I banks and AD Category II, may release foreign exchange up to USD 100,000 or its equivalent to resident Indians for medical treatment abroad on self declaration basis, without insisting on any estimate from a hospital/doctor in India/abroad. A person visiting abroad for medical treatment can obtain foreign exchange exceeding the above limit, provided the request is supported by an estimate from a hospital/doctor in India/abroad. An amount up to USD 25,000 is allowed for maintenance expensesof a patient going abroad for medical treatment or check-up abroad, or to a person foraccompanying as attendant to a patient going abroad for medical treatment/check-up. The amount of USD 25,000 allowed to the patient going abroad is in addition to the limit of USD 100,000 mentioned above. What are the facilities available to students for pursuing their studies abroad For studies abroad the estimate received from the institution abroad or USD 100,000, per academic year, whichever is higher, may be availed of from an AD Category I bank and AD Category II. Students going abroad for studies are treated as Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and are eligible for all the facilities available to NRIs under FEMA, 1999. Educational and other loans availed of by students as residents in India can be allowed to continue. A student holding NRO account may withdraw and repatriate up to USD 1 million per financial year from his NRO account. The student may avail of an amount of USD 10,000 or its equivalent for incidental expenses out of which USD 3000 or its equivalent may be carried in the form of foreign currency while going for study abroad. What are the documents required for withdrawal of Foreign Exchange for the above purpose Documentation may be done as advised by the Authorised Dealer. How much foreign exchange is available to a person going abroad on employment A person going abroad for employment can draw foreign exchange up to USD 100,000 from any Authorised Dealer in India on the basis of self-declaration. How much foreign exchange is available to a person going abroad on emigration A person going abroad on emigration can draw foreign exchange from AD Category I bank and AD Category II up to the amount prescribed by the country of emigration or USD 100,000. He can draw foreign exchange up to USD 100,000 on self - declaration basis from an Authorised Dealer in India This amount is only to meet the incidental expenses in the country of emigration. Ninguna cantidad de divisas puede ser remitida fuera de la India para ser elegible o para ganar puntos o créditos por inmigración. Todas esas remesas requieren permiso previo del Banco de la Reserva. If requirement exceeds USD 100,000, the person requires to obtain the prior approval from the Reserve Bank. Is there any category of visit which requires prior approval from the Reserve Bank or the Government of India Dance troupes, artistes, etc. who wish to undertake cultural tours abroad, should obtain prior approval from the Ministry of Human Resources Development (Department of Education and Culture), Government of India, New Delhi. Whether permission is required for receiving grant/donation from abroad under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 1976 The Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 1976 is administered and monitored by the Ministry of Home Affairs whose address is given below: Foreigners Division, Jaisalmer House, 26, Mansingh Road, New Delhi-110 011 No specific approval from the Reserve Bank is required in this regard. How many days in advance one can buy foreign exchange for travel abroad Permissible foreign exchange can be drawn 60 days in advance. In case it is not possible to use the foreign exchange within the period of 60 days, it should be immediately surrendered to an authorised person. However, residents are free to retain foreign exchange up to USD 2,000, in the form of foreign currency notes or TCs for future use or credit to their Resident Foreign Currency (Domestic) RFC (Domestic) Accounts. Can one pay by cash full rupee equivalent of foreign exchange being purchased for travel abroad Foreign exchange for travel abroad can be purchased from an authorized person against rupee payment in cash only up to Rs.50,000/-. However, if the Rupee equivalent exceeds Rs.50,000/-, the entire payment should be made by way of a crossed cheque/ bankers cheque/ pay order/ demand draft/ debit card / credit card / prepaid card only. Is there any time-frame for a traveller who has returned to India to surrender foreign exchange On return from a foreign trip, travellers are required to surrender unspent foreign exchange held in the form of currency notes and travellers cheques within 180 days of return. However, they are free to retain foreign exchange up to USD 2,000, in the form of foreign currency notes or TCs for future use or credit to their Resident Foreign Currency (Domestic) RFC (Domestic) Accounts. Should foreign coins be surrendered to an Authorised Dealer on return from abroad The residents can hold foreign coins without any limit. How much foreign exchange can a resident individual send as gift / donation to a person resident outside India Any resident individual, if he so desires, may remit the entire limit of USD 125000 in one financial year under LRS as gift to a person residing outside India or as donation to a charitable/educational/ religious/cultural organization outside India. Remittances exceeding the limit of USD 125000 will require prior permission from the Reserve Bank. Is it permitted to use International Credit Card (ICC)/ATM/Debit card for undertaking foreign exchange transactions Use of International Credit Cards (ICCs) / ATMs/ Debit Cards can be made for travel abroad in connection with various purposes and for making personal payments like subscription to foreign journals, internet subscription, etc. The entitlement of foreign exchange on International Credit Cards (ICCs) is limited by the credit limit fixed by the card issuing authority only. Con ICC se puede (i) cubrir gastos / realizar compras en el extranjero (ii) realizar pagos en divisas para la compra de libros y otros artículos a través de internet en la India. Si la persona tiene una cuenta en moneda extranjera en la India o con un banco en el extranjero, él / ella puede incluso obtener CPI de bancos de ultramar y agencias de renombre. El uso de estos instrumentos para el pago en divisas en Nepal y Bhután no está permitido. How much Indian currency can a person carry while going abroad Residents are free to take outside India (other than to Nepal and Bhutan) currency notes of Government of India and Reserve Bank of India notes up to an amount not exceeding Rs. 10000/- per person. Pueden llevar o enviar fuera de la India (excepto a Nepal y Bután) monedas conmemorativas que no excedan de dos monedas cada una. Explicación. Commemorative Coin includes coin issued by Government of India Mint to commemorate any specific occasion or event and expressed in Indian currency. How much Indian currency can be brought in while coming into India A resident of India, who has gone out of India on a temporary visit may bring into India at the time of his return from any place outside India (other than Nepal and Bhutan), currency notes of Government of India and Reserve Bank of India notes up to an amount not exceeding Rs.7,500. A person can take or send out of India to Nepal or Bhutan, currency notes of Government of India and Reserve Bank notes, in denominations not exceeding Rs.100. How much foreign exchange can be brought in while visiting India A person coming into India from abroad can bring with him foreign exchange without any limit. However, if the aggregate value of the foreign exchange in the form of currency notes, bank notes or travellers cheques brought in exceeds USD 10,000 or its equivalent and/or the value of foreign currency alone exceeds USD 5,000 or its equivalent, it should be declared to the Customs Authorities at the Airport in the Currency Declaration Form (CDF), on arrival in India. 22. Is it required to follow complete export procedure when a gift parcel is sent outside India A person resident in India is free to send (export) any gift article of value not exceeding Rs.5,00,000 provided export of that item is not prohibited under the extant Foreign Trade Policy and the exporter submits a declaration that goods of gift are not more than Rs.5,00,000 in value. Export of goods or services up to Rs.5,00,000 may be made without furnishing the declaration in Form GR/ SDF/ PP/ SOFTEX, as the case may be. How much Jewellery can be carried while going abroad Taking personal jewellery out of India is as per the Baggage Rules, governed and administered by Customs Department, Government of India. While no approval of the Reserve Bank is required in this case, approvals, if any, required from Customs Authorities may be obtained. Can a resident extend local hospitality to a non-resident A person resident in India is free to make any payment in Indian Rupees towards meeting expenses, on account of boarding, lodging and services related thereto or travel to and from and within India, of a person resident outside India, who is on a visit to India. Can residents purchase air tickets in India for their travel not touching India Residents may book their tickets in India for their visit to any third country. For instance, residents can book their tickets for travel from London to New York, through domestic/foreign airlines in India itself. Is endorsement in the passport mandatory for Private Visit Customers No, it is not mandatory to endorse on the passport, however if the customer insists or request for an endorsement the authorised dealer will not refuse to endorse the same. What is HDFC Multi Currency Card concept Pre-funded Foreign currency denominated card with multiple currency wallets where individual currencies can be loaded The card will work like any regular prepaid card to facilitate payments at VISA ATMs and POS terminals abroad. First choice of currency to process the transaction will be the local currency of transaction. If the card does not have sufficient balance on the local currency wallet then by default funds will be pulled from another currency wallet with sufficient funds Convenient option of transferring currency from one wallet to another using Net Banking service. Customer will know applicable rate at the time of transaction What are the features of HDFC Multi Currency Card Variable denomination Reloadable Prepaid Forex card with an option to load any of the 10 currency options Can carry more than one currency on the card simultaneously Move funds across different currency wallets conveniently Hassle free selection of local currency based on location of use Built in intelligence to process transactions using funds across different currency wallets Set your own ATM / Net Banking PIN online Comes with a back up card which can be utilized in case Primary card is lost/damaged/stolen. Chip based to offer security, works on all EMV compliant terminals E-com facility available to make online Foreign Currency payments Transaction specific alerts on registered email / mobile for select transactions and activities Global acceptance across all Visa ATMs and merchant establishments What are the alert facilities available in HDFC Multi Currency Card SMS Alert Card activation Load / Reload of value Refund Add-on card activation Card Hotlisting PoS transaction alert ATM transaction alert ECOM transaction alert ATM PIN Reset IPIN Reset Email alert Card Activation Card load Card reload ATM PIN reset IPIN reset What are the features available in HDFC Multi Currency Card Net Banking Set/Reset ATM PIN and Internet PIN (IPIN) Download Statements Check balance in the card Swap currencies between different currency wallets Block / unblock card for transactions Check transaction history Hotlist lost / stolen card Activate back-up card What are the value added services available on HDFC Multi Currency Card 24 7 365 days assistance Premium Concierge services Enhanced Insurance coverage Lost and Stolen card reporting Cardholder Enquiry Service Emergency Cash disbursement Emergency Card replacement What are the charges on HDFC Bank Multi Currency Card Issuance Fee. Rs 500/- per card Reload Fee. Rs 75/- per reload Re-issuance of Card Fee. Rs 100/- per card ATM Cash Withdrawal Cross Currency Charges: For transactions where the transaction currency is different than the currency available on Multicurrency ForexPlus card, Bank will charge cross currency markup of 3 on such transactions. El tipo de cambio utilizado será el tipo de cambio al por mayor VISA / MasterCard vigente en el momento de la transacción. For cross currency transactions involving wallet to wallet transfers within currencies available on Multi currency Forex Plus card, customer will be charged with 2 cross currency charges. Currency conversion service tax: Currency Conversion tax will be as applicable as per prevailing tax guidelines Charges towards GCAS facility: The customer will be charged for availing GCAS facility of Visa as per the prevailing charges applicable. Eligibility and Documentation Just visit or call any VKC Forex branch with the following documentation: The completed Multi currency Application Form Form A2 A photocopy of your Passport A look at the documentation mandated by FEMA as per the quota of your travel: Private Visit - For Holidays, Personal visits, etc. USD 10,000.00 per financial year USD 25,000.00 per Trip Immigration - For people who settle abroad in countries like Canada, New Zealand, etc. USD 100,000.00 per year Employment Abroad - For a person who is going to work abroad USD 100,000.00 per year Medical Treatment - For people who are travelling abroad for treatment USD 100,000.00 per year Studies Abroad - For students pursuing studies abroad USD 100,000.00 per academic year How much foreign exchange is available to a person going abroad on employment A person going abroad for employment can draw foreign exchange up to USD 100,000 from any Authorised Dealer in India on the basis of self-declaration. How much foreign exchange is available to a person going abroad on emigration A person going abroad on emigration can draw foreign exchange from AD Category I bank and AD Category II up to the amount prescribed by the country of emigration or USD 100,000. He can draw foreign exchange up to USD 100,000 on self - declaration basis from an Authorised Dealer in India This amount is only to meet the incidental expenses in the country of emigration. Ninguna cantidad de divisas puede ser remitida fuera de la India para ser elegible o para ganar puntos o créditos por inmigración. Todas esas remesas requieren permiso previo del Banco de la Reserva. If requirement exceeds USD 100,000, the person requires to obtain the prior approval from the Reserve Bank. Is there any category of visit which requires prior approval from the Reserve Bank or the Government of India Dance troupes, artistes, etc. who wish to undertake cultural tours abroad, should obtain prior approval from the Ministry of Human Resources Development (Department of Education and Culture), Government of India, New Delhi. Whether permission is required for receiving grant/donation from abroad under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 1976 The Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 1976 is administered and monitored by the Ministry of Home Affairs whose address is given below: Foreigners Division, Jaisalmer House, 26, Mansingh Road, New Delhi-110 011 No specific approval from the Reserve Bank is required in this regard. How many days in advance one can buy foreign exchange for travel abroad Permissible foreign exchange can be drawn 60 days in advance. In case it is not possible to use the foreign exchange within the period of 60 days, it should be immediately surrendered to an authorised person. However, residents are free to retain foreign exchange up to USD 2,000, in the form of foreign currency notes or TCs for future use or credit to their Resident Foreign Currency (Domestic) RFC (Domestic) Accounts. Can one pay by cash full rupee equivalent of foreign exchange being purchased for travel abroad Foreign exchange for travel abroad can be purchased from an authorized person against rupee payment in cash only up to Rs.50,000/-. However, if the Rupee equivalent exceeds Rs.50,000/-, the entire payment should be made by way of a crossed cheque/ bankers cheque/ pay order/ demand draft/ debit card / credit card / prepaid card only. Is there any time-frame for a traveller who has returned to India to surrender foreign exchange On return from a foreign trip, travellers are required to surrender unspent foreign exchange held in the form of currency notes and travellers cheques within 180 days of return. However, they are free to retain foreign exchange up to USD 2,000, in the form of foreign currency notes or TCs for future use or credit to their Resident Foreign Currency (Domestic) RFC (Domestic) Accounts. Should foreign coins be surrendered to an Authorised Dealer on return from abroad The residents can hold foreign coins without any limit. How much foreign exchange can a resident individual send as gift / donation to a person resident outside India Any resident individual, if he so desires, may remit the entire limit of USD 125000 in one financial year under LRS as gift to a person residing outside India or as donation to a charitable/educational/ religious/cultural organization outside India. Remittances exceeding the limit of USD 125000 will require prior permission from the Reserve Bank. Is it permitted to use International Credit Card (ICC)/ATM/Debit card for undertaking foreign exchange transactions Use of International Credit Cards (ICCs) / ATMs/ Debit Cards can be made for travel abroad in connection with various purposes and for making personal payments like subscription to foreign journals, internet subscription, etc. The entitlement of foreign exchange on International Credit Cards (ICCs) is limited by the credit limit fixed by the card issuing authority only. Con ICC se puede (i) cubrir gastos / realizar compras en el extranjero (ii) realizar pagos en divisas para la compra de libros y otros artículos a través de internet en la India. Si la persona tiene una cuenta en moneda extranjera en la India o con un banco en el extranjero, él / ella puede incluso obtener CPI de bancos de ultramar y agencias de renombre. El uso de estos instrumentos para el pago en divisas en Nepal y Bhután no está permitido. How much Indian currency can a person carry while going abroad Residents are free to take outside India (other than to Nepal and Bhutan) currency notes of Government of India and Reserve Bank of India notes up to an amount not exceeding Rs. 10000/- per person. Pueden llevar o enviar fuera de la India (excepto a Nepal y Bután) monedas conmemorativas que no excedan de dos monedas cada una. Explicación. Commemorative Coin includes coin issued by Government of India Mint to commemorate any specific occasion or event and expressed in Indian currency. Explicación. Commemorative Coin includes coin issued by Government of India Mint to commemorate any specific occasion or event and expressed in Indian currency. How much Indian currency can be brought in while coming into India A resident of India, who has gone out of India on a temporary visit may bring into India at the time of his return from any place outside India (other than Nepal and Bhutan), currency notes of Government of India and Reserve Bank of India notes up to an amount not exceeding Rs.7,500. A person can take or send out of India to Nepal or Bhutan, currency notes of Government of India and Reserve Bank notes, in denominations not exceeding Rs.100. How much foreign exchange can be brought in while visiting India A person coming into India from abroad can bring with him foreign exchange without any limit. However, if the aggregate value of the foreign exchange in the form of currency notes, bank notes or travellers cheques brought in exceeds USD 10,000 or its equivalent and/or the value of foreign currency alone exceeds USD 5,000 or its equivalent, it should be declared to the Customs Authorities at the Airport in the Currency Declaration Form (CDF), on arrival in India. 22. Is it required to follow complete export procedure when a gift parcel is sent outside India A person resident in India is free to send (export) any gift article of value not exceeding Rs.5,00,000 provided export of that item is not prohibited under the extant Foreign Trade Policy and the exporter submits a declaration that goods of gift are not more than Rs.5,00,000 in value. Export of goods or services up to Rs.5,00,000 may be made without furnishing the declaration in Form GR/ SDF/ PP/ SOFTEX, as the case may be. How much Jewellery can be carried while going abroad Taking personal jewellery out of India is as per the Baggage Rules, governed and administered by Customs Department, Government of India. While no approval of the Reserve Bank is required in this case, approvals, if any, required from Customs Authorities may be obtained. Can a resident extend local hospitality to a non-resident A person resident in India is free to make any payment in Indian Rupees towards meeting expenses, on account of boarding, lodging and services related thereto or travel to and from and within India, of a person resident outside India, who is on a visit to India. Can residents purchase air tickets in India for their travel not touching India Residents may book their tickets in India for their visit to any third country. For instance, residents can book their tickets for travel from London to New York, through domestic/foreign airlines in India itself. Is endorsement in the passport mandatory for Private Visit Customers No, it is not mandatory to endorse on the passport, however if the customer insists or request for an endorsement the authorised dealer will not refuse to endorse the same. Can I buy more than one Travel Card from Axis Bank In Same Currency: Each individual will be entitled to purchase one card of each currency. However, an individual cannot hold more than a single card of the same currency at any given point of time In Multiple Currencies: If you are travelling to more than one country on a single trip and you wish to carry more than one card on different currencies, then Bank can issue more than one card to you. albeit in different currencies, within the overall RBI approved limits for the trip. Can I get one card loaded with multiple currencies, if I am traveling to two countries No. As stated above if you are travelling to more than one country on a single trip, then Bank can issue more than one card to you, albeit in different currencies, within the overall RBI approved limits for the trip. However it would not be possible to load more than one currency on a single card. When can I use the card after purchase You are advised to commence the usage of the card only after a couple of hours. You are also advised to ensure that you have received the PIN and sign on the signature panel at the back of the card. It is also advisable to change the PIN and check the Balance on the card at any Axis Bank ATM before your departure from the country. How can I confirm if my card has been loaded/reloaded You would receive an SMS confirmation as soon as your card is loaded/reloaded. It is advisable to check the Balance on the card at any Axis Bank ATM before your departure from the country. You can also check your balance on our website using the login id and password provided for internet banking. How much money can I load onto my Travel Currency Card The usage of your Travel Currency Card should be in strict accordance with the regulations of the Reserve Bank of India and FEMA regulations. The amount loaded or reloaded on a card should be done as per the foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and prevailing RBI regulations in force at present. The minimum purchase/ reload value of Travel Currency Card is given below: Minimum Issuance Amount Minimum Reload Amount How can I use this Card to withdraw Cash To withdraw cash, you would need to insert your card into any Visa /Visa Plus / Mastercard ATM machine overseas and follow the instructions on screen. Enter your PIN and indicate the amount you want to withdraw in the local currency. The requisitioned cash will be dispensed in the local currency of the country you are in. What is my PIN Your PIN (Personal Identification Number) is a unique 4 digit secure number assigned to your card and known only to you. It allows you to withdraw cash from VISA/ VISA Plus / Mastercard ATMs worldwide. This PIN can be changed (only) at any Axis Bank ATM in India. Which ATMs accept the Travel Currency Card All ATMs overseas displaying the Visa or Plus symbol will accept your Axis Bank Travel Currency Card. Will I find VISA ATMs where I am going There are over 1 Million VISA ATMs worldwide. For a comprehensive list of all ATMs look upto the location of VISA accepting ATMs on their website visa. Or visa. via. infonow. net/locator/global and click on the ATM locator. Unless you are travelling to someplace very remote, it is very unlikely that you wont be able to find one. It may please be noted that there are certain countries where, either the VISA or MasterCard has withdrawn support or there is no presence of VISA or MasterCard infrastructure. Thus, there will be no acceptability of our Travel Currency Card in such countries. Is there a fee levied for the use of VISA ATMs There is a transaction fee levied at various ATMs for cash withdrawal Balance Inquiry as per the table hereunder: Minimum Issuance Amount Minimum Reload Amount The banks in U. S. are given right by the local federal laws to charge Surcharge/fees from other bank customers accessing their ATM to withdraw money. Many ATMS in US do levy charges for withdrawing from their ATM over and above the charges mentioned above. What options should I choose to withdraw cash from the ATM Generally, the options available at the ATM for cash withdrawal are Checking, Credit, and Savings. You should choose the Checking/Current option. In case the Checking/Current option is not available, you should select the Credit option. The Savings option does not link to the VISA network and hence the transaction would not be successful. What if I have forgotten my ATM PIN The Card gets blocked for use at ATMs, if the card has been used with the wrong ATM PIN more than 3 times. This is for your own security and to prevent any fraudulent use on the card. If you have forgotten your PIN, you may write to travel. currencyaxisbank for generation of a new PIN. Does the Visa ATM display the foreign exchange rate of conversion No, generally, ATMs display the amount withdrawn and balance available in the local currency. With this information, you can calculate the foreign exchange rate applied. Can I use my Travel Card in currencies other than the base currency (currency variant in which the card was purchased) Yes, the Travel Currency Card can be used to transact (Cash withdrawal at ATMs and point of sale transactions at Merchant Outlets) in any local currency. For transactions in any other currency other than the base currency, there will be an exchange rate which will be applicable. Whom should I contact, in case I have any dispute on a transaction In case you have a dispute on any specific transaction, you are requested to provide the details of the transaction to the e-mail id:- travel. currencyaxisbank for doing the needful. Can I reload the card Incase you have exhausted the funds on the card you can reload your card with additional funds. The easiest way to do this is to contact the Axis Bank Branch where you bought it from. Is remote reloading possible on the card Yes You may leave a signed copy of the reload Form and authorization with your family. Your family member can approach Axis Bank Branch with the Reload form. On submission of the documents and receipt of the payment, the Travel Card would be reloaded. How do I withdraw the remaining cash from my card if it is too small for a cash machine to dispense The easiest way to cash out your card, if you dont want to reload it for your next trip, is to go to the nearest Axis Bank branch and get the remaining amount encashed. How can I get a refund of unspent balances The Card can be encashed only after your return to India. Furthermore, the last transaction done on the card should be more than 10 days prior to the date of encashment. For refund of the residual or unutilized balances you can approach any of the branch of the Bank irrespective of where the card was issued. You need to complete the refund form and submit a copy of your passport alongwith the form. Do I need to surrender the card at the branch at the time of encashment or can I retain the same In case you want to encash the entire unspent amount on the card, you need to cut the card into 4 pieces at the time of surrender. However if you wish to retain the card for further trips, you can do so by encashing the partial amount and maintaining a minimum balance of USD 20 EUR 15 GBP 10 AUD 25, CAD 25 SGD 30 CHF 25 and SEK 130. Please note that if the balance on the card is more than 2000 then the card should be encashed within 90 days from the date of arrival. What do I do if my card is lost or stolen You can call the 24- hour helpline 91-22-67987700 or send an email to email helpdesk travel. currencyaxisbank to report a lost or stolen card. Our Customer Service Executives will immediately block the lost card and prevent it from further use and arrange to send you a replacement card within 2 working days. It is important to note that a lost Card report will be taken only after verification of your Mothers maiden name, Date of Birth, Passport no etc. Is there any other way in which I can keep a track of my balance and the latest transactions You can access the Internet banking module, iConnect for keeping a track of your balances and the transactions done on your card. The Internet banking user id is mentioned on the sticker placed on the welcome kit. The password is enclosed in the welcome kit in a sealed envelope for security reasons. You can visit the web-site axisbank. Select the Logon to net Banking section on the top left hand side to access the service. What important points should I keep in mind for using the card at Merchant Outlets You should look for VISA/VISA Electron / MasterCard sign at the point-of-sale merchant establishment. The Merchant must have an electronic point of sale card swiping terminal. Present your Travel Card after making purchase. Do not give your PIN to the merchant even if requested. PIN is not required for POS transactions. After a successful authorization, a hold for the transacted amount will first be placed on your account. Subsequently, your account will be debited for the transacted amount. A sales slip will be generated from the electronic card-swiping terminal. Check and sign the sales slip. Your signature must match the one on your Travel Card. Ensure your card is returned to you. Please note that this card can be used only for online transactions. Any transaction, which is done in an offline mode (Manual key Entry) would be declined, as it does not get routed to the online systems. What should I do if I lose my Travel Currency Card/ATM PIN or Internet banking password In case of loss of card, ATM PIN or the Internet banking password, you are requested to write to the Travel Currency Helpdesk at the e-mail id: - travel. currencyaxisbank What is the VKC Forex Global Currency Card VKC Forex Global Currency Card is a pre-paid foreign currency card that makes your foreign trip totally hassle-free and convenient. You can load this pre-paid card with foreign currency in India and use it to withdraw cash in the local currency from VISA / MASTERCARD / AMERICAN EXPRESS ATMs and merchant establishments accepting VISA / MASTERCARD / AMERICAN EXPRESS Flag cards. The Card is sold through ICICI Bank branches and select money changers. The Card also comes with never before features including travel insurance, emergency assistance, advanced account management features. In which currencies are the VKC Forex Global Currency Card available in VISA US Dollars Euro Pound Sterling Swiss Francs Australian Dollars Canadian Dollars Singapore Dollar Japanese Yen MASTERCARD US Dollars AMERICAN EXPRESS US Dollars So the US Dollar card will have USD loaded on to it (just like the USD Travelers Cheque). The Card will work in all countries and will dispense local currencies only on usage at ATMs, but in case the US Dollar card is used in say Europe, conversion charges from USD to Euro will be applicable. Why should I use an VKC Forex Global Currency Card An VKC Forex Global Currency Card ensures that you have a hassle free business or pleasure trip abroad. Instead of spending time encashing travelers cheques or changing money though Money Changers, The VKC Forex Global Currency Card ensures that you have 24-hours instant access to your funds. Apart from time and effort, you would also save money by getting the most competitive foreign exchange rates. Since it is a pre-paid card, it also helps you budget and plan your expenses. It also ensures that you spend your time in your business or leisure trip or abroad productively with an assurance of having an access to a wide network of people who are in stand by in case you were to need any help How does this pre-paid card work Your pre-paid Global Currency Card is loaded with funds at the time of purchase. You can use the card for cash withdrawal or for shopping at merchant outlets. With each transaction, the remaining value on the card decreases. You can continue to use your card as long as some funds remain on the card account. You can reload the card with more funds before your next trip when you return to India. This card cannot be used in India, Nepal Bhutan. What is the schedule of charges Schedule of Charges Some of the ATM acquires charge additional ATM fee. You are advised to check the same before the usage. Service Charge Extra What needs to be done incase Hotels/Car Rentals take a Pre-Authorization Hotels/Car Rentals before check-in/renting services etc, take a pre-auth on your card. A Pre-Auth is essentially blocking of certain amount on your card. At the time of checking out of the hotel/settling the bill, you should: Ask the executive to settle the final bill against the pre-auth that was taken. Ask the executive to cancel the pre-auth (credit back the amount) that was taken and settle the bill by taking an authorization for the actual bill amount. In the event of the Merchant not reversing back the amount, ICICI Bank would credit back the amount immediately after 11 days. What is the Insurance available on the card Personal Air Accident Cover - Death only. This cover is available for PRIMARY Card members upto the age of 69 and is applicable only overseas. 100 benefit total amp disablement (as decided permanent by insurance company) Missing of connecting Applicable if there is no international flight in the next 6 hours after late arrival by an international flight on an international airline For International Travel only. Loss of travel documents (Passport, Visa, Tickets) Available on baggage checked by international airline on an international flight on an outbound flight only. In case of theft, it should be reported to appropriate policy authority within 24 hours of discovery. Available on baggage checked by international airline on an international flight on an outbound flight only. In case of theft, it should be reported to appropriate policy authority within 24 hours of discovery Delay in receipt of checked baggage. Available on baggage checked by international airline on an international flight on an outbound flight only. In case of theft, it should be reported to appropriate policy authority within 24 hours of discovery. Note: The customer is automatically enrolled into the policy on the purchase of the card. The claim will be applicable only if on the incident date, the Global Currency Card was active and had a positive balance on the same. What is the Insurance Claim Process For insurance claims, please contact ICICI Lombard on toll free number: 180020988. ICICI Lombard PBO takes down the claim information from the customer. Checks based on the card number provided for the cover applicable. Forwards the information to the expert for claim validity. If the claim is valid, customer is forwarded the claim form along with the list of supporting documents required. The cheque is sent to customer within 30 days. Where do I call if I need some assistance Customers can call ICICI Banks 24-hour Customer Care Center for free customer support. From within India, call 1800 345 3499. From outside India, customers may call 91 22 28307777. After calling these numbers, please the customers need press 112 for English and 212 for Hindi. The customers can call up the call center to know their transaction details, the remaining balance on their card account, to update their mailing address/email address/mobile number, report a card loss and ask for replacement cards or write to us using the Email Us option For emergency assistance, they can call our assistance center at 91 11 4189 8888 Can the VKC Forex Global Currency Card be used over the Internet Yes. For VISA and MASTERCARD, the cardholder first needs to activate his/her card for the Internet usage while in case of AMERICAN EXPRESS, the card is pre-activated. The steps for activation are: Log on to icicibank, click on cards, Click on Global Currency Card, click on Login for Global Currency Card Customers, and log in using 16-digit card no and Internet password. Activate the card for Internet Transactions (not valid on Indian Sites). The card remains active for 30 minutes or 1 transaction which ever is earlier. Start using the card over the Internet. Is remote Loading of the card possible Yes. The process is: Leave a Signed Copy of the Reload Form and authorization with your family. Family Member walks into nearest VKC Forex Branch with the Reload Form. On submission of these documents and receipt of payment, the Card would be reloaded. Is temporary block facility available on the card Yes, the same is available. In case you want to temporarily block the card for safety purpose, you can do so yourself through your internet log-in or you can call up ICICI Bank call center to block and then unblock the card. This facility is not available on ICICI Bank American Express, Prepaid Global Currency Card. How do I track my transactions from wherever I am in the world Web-based Access to Account Information: Internet web-based access allows the customers quick access to transaction details and can also check their card balance. They simply need to logon to icicibank click on Cards click on Global Currency Card, and log-in through the Login for Global Currency Card customers link using their Internet Login ID (i. e. Global Currency Card 16 digit number) and password provided with the welcome pack for a complete update on the Card. Customers can check the status on their VKC Forex Global Currency Card from anywhere in the world. The customers can get updates on Available balance Transactions undertaken Transactions after last statement date Past statements (by period) If the merchant says that the card is not working, what is to be done Ask the merchant to ensure that he has swiped on a Credit Card terminal. If the card is still getting declined, walk into the nearest ATM to check the available balance on the card. Customers can withdraw the cash from the ATM and settle with the merchant. Report the matter to ICICI Bank, for follow up with the Merchant. What are the minimum and maximum amounts one can load on purchase Usage of the VKC Forex Global Currency Card should be in strict accordance with the regulations of the Reserve Bank of India and FEMA regulations. The card can be loaded with any amount up to USD 10,000 or equivalent in Euros in a year. The minimum loading amount is 200 ( i. e. if USD card-200, if GBP card - 200 and so on ). Corporate travelers can load the Card up to 25,000 or its equivalent in Euros for every business trips. The amount of load on a card should be done as per the foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and prevailing RBI regulations. If I am traveling to two countries, do I get the different currencies loaded on same card No. One card can be loaded with only one currency. However, the customer can take card in one currency and use worldwide irrespective of the currency of the country. Can I transact in currencies other than base currency (dollar, euros, pounds etc) using the Global Currency Card Yes, VKC Forex Global Currency Card allows transactions (cash withdrawal and point-of-sale transaction) in any local currency. For any currency other than the base currency, there will be an exchange rate which will be applied. What exchange rates are applied when a transaction is made on the card For transactions done in the base currency, there is no exchange rate applicable. However, for transactions other than in the Base Currency, VISA / MATERCARD wholesale rates or Global Network (Incase of AMERICAN EXPRESS ) rates would apply. What documents are needed during purchase/recharge During purchase of a VKC Forex Global Currency Card, customers need to provide the following: Passport A2 form PAN / Form 60 (in case you do not have a PAN number) They would also need to fill up and sign the VKC Forex Global Currency Card application form. The same documents need to be provided at the time of recharge along with the photocopy of the front of the card. The card numbers will be masked in the e-mails for security. Can one buy more than one VKC Forex Global Currency Card A customer can buy at most one VKC Forex Global Currency Card (of the same currency) at a time. He/she can however buy more than one VKC Forex Global Currency Cards in different currencies. Can the card be used in India No the card cannot be used in India, Nepal Bhutan. Balance enquiry is allowed free of charge in ICICI Bank ATM in India. Can a Global Currency Card be recharged over phone or from abroad To reload the card, customers need to remit funds to the ICICI Bank branch or the Money Changer and submit the necessary documents. Customers can get in touch to their money changer or Bank branch for this facility. Corporate travelers can get cards charged by their authorised signatories providing the documents and the necessary funds. Can one retain the foreign exchange on the VKC Forex Global Currency Card after returning to India One can retain the card only if the balance remaining on the card is less than 2000. Else the amount needs to be refunded within 90 days from the date of arrival. In case refund is not made on time, the card would be suspended and the card holder can face legal action. As per RBI regulations. How can I confirm if my card has been charged You would get an SMS confirmation shortly after your card is loaded or reloaded or refunded. You may call up our customer care center also to know your balance. You can login into the website and check the transactions anytime. You can also walk into the nearest ICICI Bank ATM to check the balance on your card (balance will be displayed in rupees) How do I withdraw cash from an ATM using the Global Currency Card Check for VISA / MASTERCARD / AMERICAN EXPRESS logos at the ATM. Insert the card in the card slot of the ATM Enter the ATM PIN of the card. For the type of card/account, please select Credit Card Enter the amount of cash needed. Some of the ATM acquirers charge additional ATM fee. You are advised to check the same before the usage. Is there a limit to the maximum amount of cash that I can withdraw Daily withdrawal Limit This limit has been kept in place to prevent misuse in case you have misplaced the card Are there any charges for using a ATM VISA : There is a charge of 1.50 Dollars for USD Card, 1.50 Euros for Euro card, 1.50 Pounds for GBP Card (and similar amount for other currencies as well) for cash withdrawal from ATMs. The charges for checking the balance through the ATM is 0.50 Dollars for USD Card, 0.50 Euros for Euro Card, 0.50 Pounds for GBP Card (and similar amount for other currencies as well). MASTERCARD : A charge of 1.50 Dollars is levied on ATM Usage while 0.50 dollars are charged for balance enquiry. AMERICAN EXPRESS: A charge of 1.50 Dollars is levied on ATM Usage while balance enquiry option in not available on this card. Service Charges Applicable How can the customer maximize saving using the VKC Forex Global Currency Card The customers can maximize their saving by using the card at POS terminal, swiping the card to make payment rathr than withdrawing currency from ATMs and there by incurring ATM withdrawal charges while there are no charging for POS usage provided swipe is made in the same currency as the card. What if I forget the ATM PIN of the VKC Forex Global Currency Card In case the ATM-PIN is forgotten, call the Customer Care center and request for New ATM Pin. The for VISA / MasterCard, the same would be provided over the phone. For American Express, the customer would need to generate the same over the IVR. Why would I need a replacement card One may need a replacement card if the card gets stolen/lost, or if the magnetic strip stops working. Whom should I contact when I need a replacement card Contact the 24-hour ICICI Bank Customer Care Center on 91 22 2830 7777 for the replacement card. Call 91 22 2830 7777. How fast can I get my replacement card The card would be shipped within 48 hours to select locations serviced by our courier. Will my ATM PIN of the replacement card continue to be the same as the ATM PIN of the earlier card No. the customer will receive a new ATM PIN along with the replacement card. The customer need to use that for transacting at ATMs. How can I apply for a refund on the card To apply for a refund, please visit your nearest VKC Forex branch. You need to fill up an Refund Form and provide copies of your VKC Forex Global Currency Card and your passport. The funds will be returned to you immediately. How long does it take to get the refund Customers can get the refund immediately upto the amount of balance remaining on your VKC Forex Global Currency Card. In case there are some unsettled transactions, there could be an additional delay of upto 7 days. How is the VKC Forex Global Currency Card secured against unauthorised cash withdrawals from ATMs The Global Currency Card comes with advanced security features. To withdraw cash from a VISA ATM using the pre-paid card, customers need the confidential ATM-PIN which is available only to the customers. The ATM-PIN is issued at the time of card purchase. Customers need to remember the 4 digit PIN number and destroy the document. Do not write in on the card. The card would be blocked after 4 unsuccessful PIN attempts. This ensures that anyone having access to the card cannot use the card. What should one do to prevent unauthorised usage in case I lose the card The card comes with zero lost card liability after its loss being reported. Immediately report the loss of the card by calling up the customer care center. ICICI Bank would block the card from any further usage. On request, the Replacement Card can then be activates. In case the Replacement Card is also lost, a replacement card would be shipped to an address of the customers choice. What security features are implemented to prevent unauthorised usage of replacement cards before it reaches you The replacement card would be couriered along with its ATM PIN by courier. The card goes in a deactivated stage. The card can be activated only when the customer call up our Customer Care center and confirm the receipt of the card in proper condition. Without this verification, the card would not be enabled for transactions. What is the HDFC Bank ForexPlus card The HDFC Bank ForexPlus card is a magnetic strip based Pre-paid Card introduced in partnership with Visa / Mastercard International, which offers you a convenient and secure way to carry your forex cash. This card offers you the freedom to shop anywhere in the world and provides access to the currency of your destination at competitive market rates. It can be used at all Visa / Mastercard ATMs and Merchant establishment worldwide. This card cannot be used for payments in India, Nepal or Bhutan. What are the currencies available for HDFC Bank ForexPlus card The HDFC Bank ForexPlus card is currently available in 9 currencies, Australian Dollar, AED (Dirhams) Canadian Dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen, Singapore Dollars, Sterling Pound, Swiss Francand US Dollar. Where do I get this card This card is available over the counter at all VKC Forex branches. You simply need to walk into the branch, fill in the required documentation, fund your card and walk out with the Card pack. The card will get activated within hours of the funding being done. How does this card work Your HDFC Bank ForexPlus card will be activated with the loaded AUD / AED / CAD / CHF/ Euro / GBP / JPY / SGD and USD within hours of the bank getting the clear funds from you. Once active, the card can be used at any international location. (Usage of the card is not allowed in India, Nepal and Bhutan.) The HDFC Bank ForexPlus card works just like a Credit Card for purchase transactions at Merchants Establishments that have an electronic terminal. The only difference is that the transaction amount is directly debited from your HDFC Bank ForexPlus card balance. Your HDFC Bank ForexPlus card is accepted at over all Merchant Establishments displaying the Visa / Mastercard symbol. The card can be used to withdraw cash at all Visa / Mastercard ATMs worldwide. Irrespective of the currency of the card, the cash will be in the currency of the country. Only ensure that you remember the PIN given to you with the card pack. The same is unique for every card and cannot be changed at any domestic or international ATM. What documents should I submit when I purchase the HDFC Bank ForexPlus card Application form for the HDFC Bank ForexPlus card and the form A2 (or any other Forex Documentation as mandated under FEMA) as well as a Photocopy of your current and valid Passport. How soon can the card be used after it is purchased Your card will be activated with the loaded AUD / AED / CAD / CHF/ Euro / GBP / JPY / SGD and USD within a few hours of the bank having received the clear funds from you. Post activation, the card is ready for use. Are there any transactions for which this Card should not be used Yes, your card should not be used for temporary charges - e. g. paying deposits at hotels, hiring of cars etc. Incase you have paid these deposits using the ForexPlus card and the hotel/car rental agency etc. settles for an amount lesser than the deposit amount or you pay through a different mode the balance amount will get credited into your account only after 35 days from the transaction date. Note: the Bank reserves the right to charge the Card holder for any unauthorized amounts. Can the value of the card be topped up Yes, Remote reload - by anybody other than yourself is also possible. The person authorised by you for the same will need to come to the branch with the money and will need to provide the necessary documents. On receipt of the application form and the funds, your card will get reloaded for the desired amount. Can the ATM PIN be changed No, the ATM PIN cannot be changed at any of the HDFC Bank ATMs. What if I forget my ATM PIN You can call the HDFC bank PhoneBanking for assistance. A new PIN will be sent across to your mailing address with the bank. How will I know which ATMs accept the HDFC Bank ForexPlus Card All ATMs displaying the Visa/ PLUS / Mastercard Logo will accept the HDFC Bank ForexPlus Card. Whom should I contact if my card is lost or stolen In case of loss of card please report the loss immediately. Call PhoneBanking 022 - 6160 6161 or Log on to the online facility for Prepaid Cards on hdfcbank and hotlist your ForexPlus Card You will not be liable for transactions on your Card Account (if any) from the moment your report is registered with the bank. Who should I contact for my replacement Card Is there a charge for replacement You can call the HDFC Bank PhoneBanking number of your city and ask for replacement of your HDFC Bank ForexPlus card. The reissued card will be sent to your domestic address with the bank. The charges for the Reissue of the Card are given in the Schedule of Charges. What is the maximum value for which the Card can be used There is no limit imposed on the usage of the Card. Customers can withdraw/utilise any amount, upto the loaded value on the card at any ATM/POS. However, there are some ATMs which have a per transaction limit on every withdrawal that they honor, which cannot be changed by the Bank. Hence, in such cases the cardholder might need to do multiple transactions if he wants to withdraw a higher amount. How to activate e-commerce on my card Follow 2 simple steps Step 1: Log on to Prepaid card NetBanking. Step 2: Enable your e-commerce transaction facility to make purchase Money Gram MoneyGram is a global leader in worldwide money transfer services, working closely with specially chosen agents in 227,000 locations across 190 countries and territories. We provide a secure way to send and receive money to and from your loved ones worldwide and well make sure that your money gets to where its needed quickly. Why choose MoneyGram Its quick your money is where its needed in just 10 minutes. Its convenient with 227,000 money transfer agents around the world, youre never far away from MoneyGram. Its available to everyone you dont need a bank account or credit card. Its easy just visit a MoneyGram agent and complete one simple form. Its personal you can add a complimentary 10-word message. How do I send money Follow the below 5 simple steps to send money: Step 1: Find a MoneyGram agent. Step 2: Take some personal identification and visit the money agent. Step 3: Complete a simple send form and hand this to the MoneyGram agent along with the money that want to send and the transfer fee. A free 10-word message can be included on the form. Step 4: The agent will provide a reference number. Step 5: Contact the person to whom the money is being sent, and give him/her the reference number. The money will be ready to collect in just 10 minutes.. How do you receive money 3 simple steps to receive money: Step 1: Get the reference number from the person who is sending you money and this will help speed up the collection. Step 2: Visit a MoneyGram agent taking some identification and the reference number with you. Step 3: Complete the simple receive form and show the identification. They will then be given your money, usually in the local currency. You may be required to provide personal identification, usually one or more of the following: passport, driving license, national identity card or a government issued identification. You may also be required to provide proof of address (bank statement or utility bill). Requirements vary by country so please ask your local MoneyGram agent for acceptable identification formats. Subject to the receiving MoneyGram agents availability and hours of operation, and local regulations. In addition to the transfer fees applicable to a transaction, a currency exchange rate set by MoneyGram or its agents may be applied. Prices subject to change. Inward Remittance Limit It is a fact that there is no need to obtain Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate(FIRC) for any of your remittances to India if they involve your relatives. The FEMA(Foreign Exchange Management Act), who takes care of all the foreign exchanges happening in India, does not specify any restriction to the amount of money sent to India. A reason for that could be to increase the foreign exchange inflows to the country. For business purposes, no need to provide FIRC for getting tax concessions. Thus, if the business is an export business, it is mandatory to have a FIRC for every remittance. Be very suspicious if you receive the following: A check or money order sent to you, with instructions to cash the item at your bank, then send some of the funds to someone else through MoneyGram. If the check is counterfeit your bank will make you cover the loss. Be aware that counterfeit checks are very hard to identify. A telephone call telling you that you have won money or a prize and that you need to send money to pay for taxes, customs fees, etc. A response to your newspaper ad for a lost pet or lost personal items, as fraud perpetrators are known to use the classified ads to contact people and pretend they have found their lost item. A suggestion from a stranger to send money to a friend or relative as a show of good faith because legitimate business is not conducted this way. You will be told that, by sending the money in the name of a friend, they will not be able to collect the funds. Eso no es verdad. Con artists often use fake identification to pretend to be someone else. An email that appears to be from MoneyGram, no matter how real it looks. We are not an Internet escrow or shipment service and will NEVER send an email confirmation to inform a person that they have received a MoneyGram transfer for payment of an Internet purchase. Instructions to mislead MoneyGram are a clear warning sign that something might be wrong. Con artists will be familiar with MoneyGrams efforts to prevent fraud. If someone tells you to not share the details of your transaction with MoneyGram, then you should not continue with the transaction. Here are some ways you can protect yourself: Buying items on the Internet. Be very careful if you are sending money to pay for merchandise purchased online. Many Internet auction sites provide an assured payment system that offers greater protection for the buyer and seller. Using the MoneyGram money transfer service. For the convenience of our customers, some transactions sent to a specific destination may be received in another country. Please do not assume your money transfer is safe because you specified a country for the transaction. Also, if a recipient has photo identification and knows pertinent information about the transaction and the sender, a reference number or the answer to a test question may not be required to pick up the transaction. Please be careful to whom you send money, keeping your transaction information confidential, and be suspicious of anyone who wants you to send money to them (or someone else) with a test question. It may be too good to be true. Research thoroughly before sending money in response to a newspaper or magazine ad for airline, concert or similar tickets. The same is true for offers of loans or credit cards where you are asked to send money for fees before signing any documents. Be suspicious of very cheap deals. MoneyGram cannot ensure that the goods or services you are paying for will be received. Here are some resources available to you in the United States: Report fraud. To report fraud to the Internet Fraud Complaint Center, visit This is a partnership between The FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center. For a list of different types of fraud schemes or to report a fraud, you can also visit consumer. gov/sentinel. Call before you send money. If you are suspicious, contact the Better Business Bureau, AARP or your local Attorney General before sending any money. Canadian fraud. Many scams ask for money to be sent to Canada. For Canadian issues, call PhoneBusters toll-free at 1-888-495-8501 - this is a joint effort of U. S. and Canadian law enforcement to fight telemarketing fraud. FRAUD WARNINGS STOP Please read the questions below carefully to help us protect you from becoming a victim of fraud or a scam. Are you sending money: to someone you dont know or whose identity you cannot verify to prove to someone that you have the available funds to buy a car, other goods, or to rent a property Are you being asked by any 3rd party to provide any details about this transaction in part or in full by phone, email, fax or website to buy a product/ service or a pet via the internet or anywhere else in response to any offer that sounds very cheap in comparison to their expected price or looks too good to be true to claim lottery or prize winnings, inheritance, for a guaranteed credit card, loan offer, refund of bank charges or attractive investments in response to an internet offer, letter or phone call that asks you to send money for a job offer or mystery shopping or a charity to someone at home or overseas who claims to be your relative needing cash for an emergency and you are unable to verify independently if the caller and the claims are genuine to someone you met in an on-line chat room or dating web site for financial assistance Examples: airplane ticket, medical bills, helping a relative, cashing a check, investing in a business deal, etc. to buy goods and services from someone who specifically recommends money transfer through MoneyGram as the preferred mode of payment IF you answered YES to any of these questions, DO NOT SEND the money transfer - someone may be trying to STEAL YOUR MONEY. Remember neither MoneyGram nor its agents will be liable if you ignore the fraud warnings above and still choose to send money for any of the reasons listed above. Send Money Fast With Western Union Money Transfer, its quick and easy to send money to your family back home in India. Our money transfer options offer you the convenience and dependability you need -- and the peace of mind you deserve. What is Western Union Western Union Financial Services, Inc. is a global leader in money transfer and messaging services. Known for its pioneering telegraph service, Western Union dates back to 1851 and introduced electronic money transfer service in 1871. Western Union has thousands of Agent locations in countries and territories worldwide. What is the Western Union Money Transfer service to India You can use cash to send money to India from participating Agent locations around the world. You can also send money to India online or by phone from the U. S. and Canada. Use your credit or debit card to send online or by calling 1-800-CALL-CASH. If you use your credit card, you may be charged an additional cash advance fee by your card issuer for this service. U. S. or Canadian bank-issued cards only. Who uses the Western Union Money Transfer service Anyone who needs to send money quickly and reliably. What are the benefits of using Western Union to send money Its RELIABLE - Each transfer is protected by an advanced worldwide security system and can be verified with a unique Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN). In addition, Western Unions Agent locations in India are authorized by the Reserve Bank of India. Its FAST - money is available minutes after it is sent, subject to Agent locations hours of operation. Its CONVENIENT - its your choice. You can send money to India online, by phone, or from an Agent location. Plus, theres no need to have an account. With thousands of Agent locations worldwide, theres sure to be a Western Union Agent location thats convenient for you. Can money be sent from India No. Western Union offers receive or payout service only in India. Can a business use the Western Union Money Transfer service to send money No. Due to Indian government regulations, the use of the Western Union Money Transfer services to India by businesses is not permitted. Is Western Union authorized by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Western Unions Agents in India are authorized by the Reserve Bank of India. Do I need a bank account to use the Western Union Money Transfer service To send or receive money at an Agent location, Western Union does not require credit cards, bank accounts, memberships or citizenship papers. Receivers in India may need to show a currently valid government-issued photo ID. Additional information may be necessary to meet government requirements depending on the amount being sent or received. To send money online, you will need a U. S.- or Canadian-based Visa or MasterCard credit or debit card. To send money via 1-800-CALL-CASHSM, you will need a U. S.-or Canadian based Visa, MasterCard or Discover credit or debit card. How much money can I send to India via Western Union There is a 2,500 US Dollars maximum limit set for remittances to India due to the regulations of the Reserve Bank of India What currencies can I send via Western Union Generally, Agent locations only except cash in local currency. You cannot send money from India. The receiver in India will be paid out in Indian rupees. How do I send money at a Western Union Agent location A customer completes a To Send Money form at a Western Union Agent location. The clerk at the Agent location collects the transfer amount plus applicable fees and processes the transaction. The sender receives a Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) to track the status of the order and to share with the receiver to pick up the funds in India. How do I send money over the telephone or online You will need a U. S. or Canadian-based credit or debit card to send your money over the phone at 1-800-CALL-CASHSM or online. Other fees may apply. What is the MTCN and why do I need it The Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) is a number printed on your receipt that allows you and Western Union track your transaction. It is also required for the receiver to have the MTCN to pick up funds in India. How can I ensure that my money gets there quickly Supply correct contact details in case Western Union needs to contact you. Also, be sure to have your recipients correct full name and address. The recipient will be required to show valid identification and the MTCN. How can I pay for a Western Union Money Transfer transaction All Western Union Money Transfer transactions sent from an Agent location must be paid in cash. Transactions originated by telephone - 1-800-CALL-CASHSM - and online must be paid for via a U. S. or Canadian-based credit or debit card Where can money be picked up in India Western Union Agents are independent businesses that provide money transfer service to their customers on behalf of Western Union. In India, money may be picked up at any of the more than 50,000 participating Agent locations in over 650 cities: Home delivery is also available nationwide in India. Cash will not be delivered via home delivery option. check or draft must be deposited into the bank account of the receiver only and is subject to clearing procedures of the local bank. Call 1-800-325-6000 in the U. S. or Canada. In India call 1-600-44-1851 How can I find a Western Union Agent location In the U. S. the South Asian toll-free number is 1-800-435-2226 where customer service representatives can assist you in Hindi, Tamil, Malyalam, Urdu and English. Customers can also find an Agent location online. For any inquiries in India reach us at: - 91 80 2222 1851 - 1-800-425-1851 (Toll Free line, available to all MTNL/BSNL users in India) - Users in India can SMS WU CALL and send to 53636 for a call back in some time. Charges Apply How many Western Union Agent locations are there in India There are more than 50,000 Western Union Agent locations in India. How do I receive money at a Western Union Agent location The receiver completes a To Receive Money form at any Western Union agent location and provides a valid government-issued photo ID. The clerk at the Agent location then pays funds to recipient. How long does it take to send money via the Western Union Money Transfer service Transfers are completed and money is available for pick-up at receiving Agent locations in India within minutes. (Subject to transaction approval and hours of operation of receiving Agent locations.) Will my receiver be paid in cash Maximum cash payout amount for Indian nationals is 50,000 IN Rupee payouts over 50,000 IN Rupee will be paid by local check. There is no cash payout limit for foreign passport holders in India. Cash will not be delivered via home delivery option. check or draft must be deposited into the bank account of the receiver only and is subject to clearing procedures of the local bank. What type of exchange rate does Western Union apply to its transactions In addition to the transfer fees applicable to the transaction, a currency exchange rate set by Western Union will be applied. The exchange rate applied by Western Union provides customers with less foreign currency per dollar than Western Union receives when it obtains foreign currency. Western Union keeps the difference. The exchange rate varies daily. For information concerning the current currency exchange rates provided by Western Union, in U. S. call toll-free to 1-800-435-2226. Outside of the U. S. please contact your local Agent location. Will my receiver have to pay any charges on the money sent No. The sender pays all fees How do I know if my receiver has picked up the money From the U. S. to verify if the receiver has picked up the money or to track your transaction, call 1-800-432-2226 or track the status online. For better results, be sure to have your MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) available. During what hours is the Western Union Money Transfer service available Western Union provides service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Each Agent location determines its own hours of operation, although many Agent locations maintain extended hours of operation and some are open 24 hours a day. Restrictions and Special Notes Receiving in India: As a government requirement, maximum payout amount is not more than 2,500 US dollars (or IN Rupee equivalent) per transaction. Sender threshold amount has therefore been set at Indian Rupees 111,317 to ensure exchange fluctuations do not result in the transaction being declined to the receiver. Maximum cash payout for all Indian nationals and all residents (Indian or Foreign) is 50,000 IN Rupee Payouts over 50,000 IN Rupee will be paid by local crossed check only. There is no cash payout limit for foreign passport holders in India. As a government requirement, a payee can only receive a maximum of 12 transactions per calendar year. Receiver must present valid identification. Receiver must present correct money transfer Control Number (MTCN). Will Call transfers to the states and Islands of Tamil Nadu, Kerela, Andhra Pradesh, Andaman/Nicobar or Pondicherry will be charged a special flat fee per transaction, regardless of principal amount being sent. The implementation of this special pricing for India is on a state level for Indias coastal regions. General Information: Senders full address must be included on all money transfers to India. Pursuant to Indian government regulations, money transfer payments are reserved for private consumer use only and cannot be used for commercial or business purposes, for purchase of property, or for investments. Test Question is not allowed. Paying location is required to maintain a photocopy of identification documents presented by the Receiver. A new International Money Transfer destination has been created called India Tsunami Region for transfers to these regions. Please verify the destination state with the sender before sending to India. Money Transfer payments are reserved for private consumer use only and cannot be paid for commercial or business purposes, for purchase of property, or for investments. Online Fraud Sending money to someone you dont know You could be at risk for consumer fraud. The Western Union Money Transfer service is a great way to send money to people you know and trust. If you need to send money to someone you dont know well, you may be putting yourself at risk for fraud. Because we care about consumers, Western Union urges you to protect yourself from fraud by considering the following: Never send money to a stranger using a money transfer service. Beware of deals or opportunities that seem too good to be true. Dont use money transfer services to pay for things like online auction purchases. Never send money to pay for taxes or fees on foreign lottery winnings If you think you have been a victim of fraud, please contact your local Western Union Agent. What is the American Express GlobalTravel Card The American Express GlobalTravel Card is a prepaid, reloadable Card that provides you with a more convenient, secure way to manage your money while you are travelling. Its not a credit or debit card. Its a prepaid Card, which means you load funds onto the Card and can then use the Card to make purchases virtually anywhere American Express is accepted outside of India including at ATMs to withdraw cash. Since its prepaid, theres no risk of spending more funds than you have on the Card. Packed with travel-friendly features, the American Express GlobalTravel Card also includes free access to emergency assistance, if needed, during your journey. And its all backed with the world-class service offered from American Express. Do I need to do anything before using my American Express GlobalTravel Card Before using your Card, sign the back, where indicated. Memorise or change the 4-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) contained within the Welcome Pack, and then destroy the printed PIN information. To change your PIN, call Customer Service or go online. To view your PIN online, log in to your account. Keep your Backup Card safe and store it separately. What is my PIN How can I change my PIN This is a unique 4-digit number assigned to your Card enabling you to securely withdraw cash from ATMs that accept American Express, outside India. This 4-digit PIN number should be known only by you, and it is important to protect the security of your Card and PIN at all times. To change your PIN to a more memorable number, call Customer Service or go online. To view your PIN online, log in to your account. How can I check my balance or view my transaction history You can check your balance and view your transaction history online at any time. To check your balance online now, log in to your account. To retrieve this information by phone, you may call Customer Service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Do my American Express GlobalTravel Card funds have an expiration date No. While there is a valid thru date indicated on the front of the Card, the available funds on the American ExpressGlobalTravel Card do not expire. The valid thru date is simply required to ensure that the Card can be used at merchants that request and/or require customers to provide a plastic expiration date during the transaction process. You may not use the Card after the valid thru date, but you can request a new Card be sent to you at no additional cost so you can use your remaining funds. What should I do if my American Express GlobalTravel Card is lost or stolen If your Card is lost, stolen or used improperly, call Customer Service for assistance. Our Customer Service Center, open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, will assist in activating your Backup Card and blocking usage of the lost or stolen Card. You will need to sign the back of your Backup Card immediately, and either memorise the enclosed PIN, or change it to a more memorable PIN. You will not need to re-register your Card online. We will do this for you upon activation. In the event both Cards are lost or stolen, we can deliver a new Replacement Card to any location at no cost, and if necessary we can arrange emergency access to the funds available in your Card account, anywhere in the world, via Western Union. What should I do if I need help in an emergency Sometimes the unexpected happens when you travel. A passport is lost. You come down with a sudden illness. A lawyer is needed. Being a Card member can make things easier to handle. Global Assist Services help you prepare for your trip with customs information and destination guides. And while youre travelling overseas, lost passport replacement assistance, translation services, lost luggage assistance, and emergency legal and medical referrals are only a phone call away. For a detailed list of our Global Assist benefits, download the Global Assist Services guide. Note: While Global Assist coordination and assistance services are free benefits from American Express, Cardmembers are responsible for the costs charged by third-party service providers. Global Assist services are not meant to replace any travel insurance. How can I close my American Express GlobalTravel Card account In the event that you decide to close your American Express GlobalTravel Card account, call Customer Service. You can visit a participating branch location of the seller where you purchased the Card and ask for a reimbursement of available funds. Once your account is closed, please destroy any Cards by cutting them in half and disposing of them securely. To close your account if there is no balance remaining, call Customer Service. For more details on account closure, please refer to the Product Terms Conditions. Can the American Express GlobalTravel Card have a negative balance If a merchant authorises a transaction for an amount greater than your actual available balance, the American ExpressGlobalTravel Card will generally be declined. However, in rare circumstances, a merchant may process a transaction without prior authorization, or an amount greater than a Cards actual available balance may be authorised. If this occurs, you may be notified to load more funds onto the Card, or make a direct payment to cover the negative amount, but will not be charged an overdraft fee. While this does not happen often, it is important to keep track of your balance and reload funds as needed. To check your balance online now, log in to your account. To retrieve this information by phone, you may call Customer Service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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